首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Design and Validation of Additional Duty Modules for Engineer and Ordnance Officer Positions.

Design and Validation of Additional Duty Modules for Engineer and Ordnance Officer Positions.




This report contains forty-one (41) additional Duty Modules for use in describing positions held by Engineer officers and Ordnance officers. These new Duty Modules, when used selectively with those previously developed by this firm (under contracts DAHC-19-73-0041 and DAHC-19-73-C-0042), fully describe duty positions for Engineer and Ordance officers in both MTOE and TDA types of organizations. A survey was administered to officers in both types of organizations to validate Duty Module descriptions of their positions. Three different survey methodologies were used in order to determine the most suitable procedure for future surveys. The principal product of this research is the design of 41 additional Duty Modules, bringing the total designed to 174 Duty Modules.



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