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Time Standard System for Directing Satellite Tracking Antennas.




This report presents the results of a program directed to the implementation of a time standard system to be used with a PDP-11/45 digital controller for the purpose of directing a ground-based satellite tracking antennas. The function of the time standard system is to present, on command, absolute time-of-day information to the PDP-11/45 which is subsequently used in conjunction with memory-stored, satellite orbital parameter data to generate antenna steering signals. To ensure the required antenna pointing accuracy, the absolute time information must be correct to within 100 milliseconds of the primary standard maintained by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). The time standard system consists primarily of (1) a WWVB receiver and associated antenna for reception of the time-coded radio transmission from the NBS station at Fort Collins, Colorado and (2) a time code generator which accepts the amplified WWVB signal and then presents the time information in the form of both a front panel numerical readout and in a digital format suitable for use by the PDP-11/45 digital controller. The time standard system also included the capability of being interfaced with a Georgia Tech owned HP-2100 data acquisition system.



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