首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Fixed-Base Simulator Investigation of Display/SCAS Requirements for Army Helicopter Low-Speed Tasks

Fixed-Base Simulator Investigation of Display/SCAS Requirements for Army Helicopter Low-Speed Tasks

机译:固定基地模拟器研究陆军直升机低速任务的显示/ sCas要求



A piloted simulation was conducted to investigate the effect of presenting flight symbology on a panel-mounted display (PMD) versus a head-up display (HUD) for different levels of augmentation and turbulence while performing low-speed tasks representative of the scout helicopter mission. A secondary objective was to investigate the advantages of using a collective kinesthetic-tactual display (KTD) for altitude control during a precision hover task. The results show that the display symbology from either the HUD or PMD improved the pilot ratings for low levels of augmentation. The KTD helped the pilot reduce altitude drift during the precision hover task for the low to mid augmentation levels, but it had little effect on pilot ratings.



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