首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Identification of Pathogenic Leishmania Promastigotes by DNA: DNA Hybridization with Kinetoplast DNA Cloned into E. coli Plasmids

Identification of Pathogenic Leishmania Promastigotes by DNA: DNA Hybridization with Kinetoplast DNA Cloned into E. coli Plasmids

机译:通过DNa鉴定致病性利什曼原虫前鞭毛体:克隆到大肠杆菌质粒中的Kinetoplast DNa的DNa杂交



We report the characterization of Leishmania (L. infantum, L. donovani, and L. major) kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) by the use of restriction endonuclease digestion patterns and Southern hybridizations. Overall, the sizes and fragment patterns of MspI restriction endonuclease-produced DNA fragments vary from species to species. However, kDNA isolates from different species and strains cross-reacted to a great extent in Southern hybridization experiments. Only DNA isolated from L. infantum and L. major had little homology during hybridization reactions. To prepare DNA probes that would differentiate between species of Leishmania, minicircle kLDNA was digested with restriction enzymes and ligated to an E. coli plasmid. Several plasmids were isolated that specifically detect in hybridization experiments as few as 5,000 R. donovani or L. infantum promastigotes lysed on nitrocellulose filters.



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