首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Measurement of Oxygen Consumption Using the Canadian Clearance Diving Apparatus (CCDA)

Measurement of Oxygen Consumption Using the Canadian Clearance Diving Apparatus (CCDA)




The Canadian Clearance Diving Apparatus (CCDA) was modified to serve as a 100% oxygen rebreathing system for the measurement of oxygen consumption (VoO2) in water. Four physically active male subjects each performed three exercise tests on an electromagnetically-braked bicycle ergometer: in shorts on dry land; in shorts while submerged and in wet suits while submerged. Mean VO2 for dry exercise was significantly less than mean VO2 for either wet condition. The mean VO2 values for the two wet conditions were not significantly different, but no subject was able to complete the work protocol in wet suits. It was suggested that the constrictive nature of the wet suit restricted blood flow to the muscles, thereby reducing the removal of metabolic waste products and the supply of oxygen, leading to an increase in muscle fatigue. Comparison of the results with standard values and results obtained using the Low Resistance Breathing Apparatus indicated that the CCDA is a viable system for the measurement of VO2 in water. Keywords: Underwater work, Exercise bicycle. (kr/kt)



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