首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Non-Destructive Method for Environmental Breakdown of Graphite Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites.

Non-Destructive Method for Environmental Breakdown of Graphite Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites.




Studies were made to determine if moisture ingress down the fiber/epoxy interface could be detected as an increase in the double layer capacitance c(d1). To do this, the specific double layer capacitance C(sp). Individual unsized fibers were electrically contacted to the end of a wire enclosed in a glass pipette support frame. The free end of this fiber was then secured to the end of the pipette with paraffin and D(d1) measurements were made employing an Electrochemical Impedance technique. By measuring the exposed area of each fiber tested, the C(sp) could then be calculated. Keywords: Composites, Polymers, Graphite fibers, Non-destructive testing, Composite systems, Coatings, Platinum wire, Electrodes. (JG)



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