首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Mean and Variance of Diffuse Scattered Power as a Function of Clutter ResolutionCell Size

Mean and Variance of Diffuse Scattered Power as a Function of Clutter ResolutionCell Size




In this report, a study is made of the mean and variance of the scattered poweras the cell size is varied. These results are based upon a one-dimensional physical optics model for rough surface scattering. The behavior of the mean normalized cross section and the normalized variance is investigated as a function of scattering angle. Parametric studies show the dependence of the statistics on angle of incidence, cell size, rms surface slope, EM wavelength and surface dielectric constant. As the cell size is reduced, the statistical distribution of the scattered power becomes non-Rayleigh. This is more pronounced in the backscatter direction, compared with the forward scattered diffuse power. Also, for small cell sizes, the distribution of the scattered power becomes more non-Rayleigh as the surface roughness is increased. Impulse radar, Radar clutter.



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