首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Anti-mu Fails to Induce Proliferation in M167 mu (kappa) B Cells.

Anti-mu Fails to Induce Proliferation in M167 mu (kappa) B Cells.

机译:抗mu不能诱导m167 mu(kappa)B细胞的增殖。



The transgenic mouse strain 207-4, carries microns + k transgenes ligated to the anti-phosphocholine (PC) VHl and Vk24 variable region genes from the MOPC167 myeloma. Although B cells from mice carrying these transgenes respond both in vivo and in vitro to thymus dependent antigens, they failed to proliferate in response to soluble goat anti microns antibody or other soluble anti-Ig reagents. On the other hand, B cells from the Sp6 Ax anti-TNP transgenic mouse line proliferated normally after stimulation with soluble anti-A. However, the 207-4 anti-PC transgene positive (TG+) splenic B cells proliferated when stimulated with anti-M, anti-idiotype, anti-allotype, or PC-conjugated to Sepharose beads. TG+ B cells were also induced to proliferate when stimulated with anti-Lyb-2; thus, their defect may be restricted to signaling through sIgM. The lack of response to soluble anti-microns could not be reversed by addition of IL-4, by removal of T cells, by addition of anti-Fc receptor antibody, or by stimulation with F(ab')2 anti-A. Thus, the failure to proliferate was not due to active T cell suppression or FcR mediated inhibition.



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