首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Laboratory and Field Trials of Four Repellents with Culex Pipiens (Diptera:Culicidae)

Laboratory and Field Trials of Four Repellents with Culex Pipiens (Diptera:Culicidae)

机译:淡色库蚊(Culex pipiens)四种驱虫剂的实验室和田间试验(双翅目:蚊科)



During Operation Desert Shield, 16 volunteers field-tested four insect repellentsthe lactone CIC-4, and the piperidine compounds A13-37220 and A13-35765) against biting mosquitoes at King Fahd Airport, Eastern Province Saudi Arabia. CIC-4 and A13-37220 (25% wt/vol) provided effective (<90%) protection against bites for 4 h. Deet and A13-35765 protected for only 2 h. The compounds subsequently were evaluated for repellency against laboratory reared Culex pipiens L. CIC-4 was more effective than deet, A13-37220, or A13-35765 at the ED(50) but not at the ED95 level, deet provided significantly better protection than either piperidine compound. In laboratory duration tests, A13-37220 provided 8 h of effective (<90%) protection against Cx. pipiens bites, deet and A13-35765 7 h of protection, and CIC-4 2 h of protection.



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