首页> 外文期刊>Phytochemistry >Non-indolyl cruciferous phytoalexins: Nasturlexins and tridentatols, a striking convergent evolution of defenses in terrestrial plants and marine animals?

Non-indolyl cruciferous phytoalexins: Nasturlexins and tridentatols, a striking convergent evolution of defenses in terrestrial plants and marine animals?


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Highly specialized chemical defense pathways are a particularly noteworthy metabolic characteristic of sessile organisms, whether terrestrial or marine, providing protection against pests and diseases. For this reason, knowledge of the metabolites involved in these processes is crucial to producing ecologically fit crops. Toward this end, the elicited chemical defenses of the crucifer watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.), i.e. phytoalexins, were investigated and are reported. Almost three decades after publication of cruciferous phytoalexins derived from (S)-Trp, phytoalexins derived from other aromatic amino acids were isolated; their chemical structures were determined by analyses of their spectroscopic data and confirmed by synthesis. Nasturlexin A, nasturlexin B, and tridentatol C are hitherto unknown phenyl containing cruciferous phytoalexins produced by watercress under abiotic stress; tridentatol C is also produced by a marine animal (Tridentata marginata), where it functions in chemical defense against predators. The biosynthesis of these metabolites in both a terrestrial plant and a marine animal suggests a convergent evolution of unique metabolic pathways recruited for defense. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:高度专业化的化学防御途径是陆地或海洋固着生物的特别值得注意的新陈代谢特征,可提供针对有害生物和疾病的保护。因此,了解这些过程中涉及的代谢产物对于生产生态适宜的作物至关重要。为此,研究并报道了十字花科西洋菜(金莲花)的诱导化学防御作用,即植物抗毒素。在发表了衍生自(S)-Trp的十字花科植物抗毒素后近三十年,分离了衍生自其他芳香族氨基酸的植物抗毒素。通过分析其光谱数据确定其化学结构,并通过合成确认。 Nasturlexin A,nasturlexin B和tridentatol C是迄今未知的,由豆瓣菜在非生物胁迫下产生的含十字花科植物抗毒素的苯基; Tridentatol C也是由海洋动物(Tridentata marginata)生产的,它在化学上防御天敌。这些代谢产物在陆生植物和海洋动物中的生物合成表明,为防御而募集的独特代谢途径的趋同进化。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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