首页> 外文期刊>Physica, A. Statistical mechanics and its applications >Quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qudit state with two-qudit entanglements and generalized Bell-state measurements

Quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qudit state with two-qudit entanglements and generalized Bell-state measurements


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A scheme for quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qudit state is proposed with two-qudit entanglements and generalized Bell-state (GBS) measurements. In this scheme, the sender Alice should perform m two-particle GBS measurements on her 2m qudits, and the controllers also take GBS measurements on their qudits and transfer their quantum information to the receiver with entanglement swapping if the agents cooperate. We discuss two topological structures for this quantum state sharing scheme, a dispersive one and a circular one. The former is better at the aspect of security than the latter as it requires the number of the agents who should cooperate for recovering the quantum secret larger than the other one. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:提出了具有两个量子纠缠和广义贝尔态(GBS)测量的任意m-量子态的量子态共享方案。在此方案中,发送方爱丽丝应对她的2m个量子点执行m个两粒子GBS测量,并且控制器也对它们的量子点进行GBS测量,如果代理协作,则通过纠缠交换将其量子信息传递给接收器。我们讨论了这种量子态共享方案的两个拓扑结构,一个分散的结构和一个圆形的结构。前者在安全性方面优于后者,因为前者需要为恢复量子秘密而合作的代理商数量要多于其他代理商。 (C)2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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