首页> 外文期刊>Physiological Entomology >Allatotropic and allatostatic activities in extracts of brain and the effects of Manduca sexta allatotropin and Manduca sexta allatostatin on juvenile hormone synthesis in vitro by corpora allata from the Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini

Allatotropic and allatostatic activities in extracts of brain and the effects of Manduca sexta allatotropin and Manduca sexta allatostatin on juvenile hormone synthesis in vitro by corpora allata from the Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini

机译:脑提取物中的同素异体和异体抑制活性,以及​​曼陀罗六倍体变态生长素和曼陀罗六倍体变态抑制素对艾里蚕(Samia cynthia ricini)体的幼体激素合成的影响

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Both allatotropic and allatostatic activities were found in crude extracts of brain from adult and larval Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini , but it seems that allatotropic activity dominates in each stage. There was a high level of allatotropic activity in the crude extract of brain from newly emerged female adults, but allatostatic activity appeared in the bioassay when excessive amounts of crude extracts of brain were added. Crude extracts of brain from premoulting fourth-instar larvae and from newly ecdysed fifth-instar larvae exhibited allatotropic activities, whereas extracts of brain from the second and third day of the fifth-instar larvae inhibited juvenile hormone (JH) release slightly. Allatotropic activity from the brains of adults and larvae stimulated both adult and larval corpora allata (CA) to synthesize JH. Manduca sexta allatotropin (AT) (Mas-AT) and M. sexta allatostatin (AST) (Mas-AST) also stimulated and inhibited both adult and larval S. cynthia ricini CA to synthesize JH, respectively. Higher concentrations of Mas-AT (10(-4) or 10(-3) M) showed an inhibitory effect on adult CA. CA from newly emerged female adults were the most sensitive to inhibition by Mas-AST, whereas CA from female pharate adults at about 6 h before adult emergence were the most sensitive to stimulation by Mas-AT and S. cynthia ricini brain allatotropic activity. An extract of brain and Mas-AT induced some of the non-active female pharate adult CA at 12 h before emergence to synthesize a small amount of JH.
机译:在成年幼虫Eri桑蚕(Samia cynthia ricini)的脑粗提物中发现了同素异能和同素异能活动,但似乎同素异能活动在每个阶段都占主导地位。新出现的成年女性的大脑粗提物中具有高水平的同素异体活性,但是当添加过量的大脑粗提物时,生物测定中出现了同种异体活性。产前四龄幼虫和新蜕皮的五龄幼虫的粗脑提取物表现出同素异形活性,而五龄幼虫第二天和第三天的脑提取物略微抑制了幼体激素(JH)的释放。来自成年和幼虫大脑的同素异体活动刺激成年和幼虫全集(CA)合成JH。曼陀罗六倍体促性腺激素(AT)(Mas-AT)和六倍体穆拉氏菌种他汀(AST)(Mas-AST)也分别刺激和抑制成年和幼虫辛西娅·里基尼CA合成JH。较高浓度的Mas-AT(10(-4)或10(-3)M)对成人CA表现出抑制作用。新出现的雌性成虫的CA对Mas-AST的抑制作用最敏感,而成年雌性成年前约6 h的雌性噬菌体成年的CA对Mas-AT和S. cynthia ricini脑同素异体活动的刺激最敏感。脑和Mas-AT的提取物在出苗前12 h诱导一些非活跃的雌性成年雌性CA,合成少量JH。



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