首页> 外文期刊>Physics and chemistry of the earth, Part C. Solar-terrestrial and planetary science >Short-Period Variations of Ionospheric Drifts at Collm and their Connection with the Dynamics of the Lower and Middle Atmosphere

Short-Period Variations of Ionospheric Drifts at Collm and their Connection with the Dynamics of the Lower and Middle Atmosphere


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Studies of the intensity of horizontal drift velocity perturbations with periods 0.7 - 3 hours at the altitudes 80 - 110 km are made from the data of regular low-frequency D1 ionospheric reflection observations at Collm, Germany (52°N, 15°E) in 1983 - 1999. Seasonal changes of variances of short-period perturbations of zonal velocity reveal the main maximum in summer and a smaller maximum in winter near the altitude 80 km and the two maxima at equinoxes near and above 100 km. Perturbation variances had the minima in 1985 -- 1987 and in 1996 -- 1998. Numerical modeling shows that IGWs generated in the strato-mesospheric jet stream may have substantial amplitudes at altitudes near and above 100 km and may modify seasonal variations of tropospheric IGWs.
机译:根据德国科尔姆(52°N,15°E)定期进行的低频D1电离层反射观测数据,研究了80-110 km高度上0.7-3小时的水平漂移速度摄动强度。 1983年-1999年。纬向速​​度短期扰动方差的季节变化揭示了夏季的主要最大值,海拔80 km附近的冬季较小,而冬季最大的较小,而在100 km及以上的昼夜平分点处有两个最大值。摄动变化在1985年至1987年以及1996年至1998年达到最小值。数值模型表明,平流-中层喷气流中产生的IGW在100 km及以上的高度处可能具有较大的振幅,并可能改变对流层IGW的季节变化。



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