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The use of garden boreholes in Cape Town, South Africa: lessons learnt from Perth, Western Australia


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The similarities in climate and geology offer water resource managers in Cape Town and Perth an opportunity to learn from each other's experiences. While Cape Town relies mostly on surface water for supply, Perth uses 50% groundwater for its domestic and industrial use. It is proposed that certain aspects of Perth's water supply infrastructure could successfully be transposed for the exploitation of Cape Towns' groundwater resources. In Perth private boreholes is used to tap a shallow phreatic aquifer for garden irrigation. The Government of Western Australia encourages this practice. Cape Town has an opportunity to use water from the Cape Flats Aquifer in a similar manner. In this paper the use of the Cape Flats Aquifer for private garden irrigation is evaluated. By encouraging private landowners to develop private wells, large savings could be made in the amount of treated bulk water supply required by Cape Town. The Cape Flats Aquifer has been potential to meet a large part of the city's garden irrigation requirements. Though the impact of pollution on water quality remains uncertain and a concern, the general quality of water in the aquifer is adequate for irrigation requirements. If the use of private garden boreholes is to be successful, education of the public will be vital. It is envisaged that the City of Cape Town and the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry in partnership with private, education and research institutions take the lead in such education and the development of appropriate legislation and guidelines.
机译:气候和地质上的相似之处为开普敦和珀斯的水资源管理者提供了一个学习彼此经验的机会。开普敦主要依靠地表水来供水,而珀斯则将50%的地下水用于家庭和工业用途。建议珀斯的供水基础设施的某些方面可以成功地转换为开普敦镇地下水资源的开采。在珀斯,私人钻孔用于挖掘浅层潜水层,用于花园灌溉。西澳大利亚州政府鼓励这种做法。开普敦(Cape Town)有机会以类似的方式使用开普敦含水层中的水。本文评估了Cape Flats含水层在私人花园灌溉中的使用。通过鼓励私人土地所有者发展私人水井,可以大大节省开普敦所需的处理后大宗供水量。 Cape Flats含水层具有满足该市大部分花园灌溉需求的潜力。尽管污染对水质的影响仍不确定且令人担忧,但含水层的一般水质足以满足灌溉要求。如果要成功利用私人花园的钻孔,对公众的教育将至关重要。可以预见,开普敦市以及水务和林业部将与私人,教育和研究机构合作,率先开展此类教育并制定适当的立法和准则。



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