
Porous silicon photoluminescence and quantum confinement


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Images obtained from scanning tunnelling microscopy and atomic force microscopy reveal nanoscale features on hydrogen-passivated porous silicon surfaces. These surface features are altered by varying the chemical etching procedure, resulting in shifts in the wire size and consequent variations in the photoluminescence spectra. The morphology consists of wires with associated nodules. Consistent with the quantum confinement model, the widths of these features range from 1 to 7 nm, and the size distribution and photoluminescence peaks agree with theoretical predictions based on a second-neighbour, empirical tight-binding approximation. In tote, these observations demonstrate that such novel surface features are necessary for the photoluminescence of porous silicon and are consistent with the requirements of the quantum confinement model of porous silicon.
机译:从扫描隧道显微镜和原子力显微镜获得的图像揭示了氢钝化多孔硅表面上的纳米尺度特征。这些表面特征可通过改变化学蚀刻程序来改变,从而导致导线尺寸的变化以及随之而来的光致发光光谱变化。形态由带有相关结节的金属丝组成。与量子限制模型一致,这些特征的宽度范围为1到7 nm,并且尺寸分布和光致发光峰与基于第二邻域的经验紧密结合近似的理论预测相符。总而言之,这些观察表明,这种新颖的表面特征对于多孔硅的光致发光是必需的,并且与多孔硅的量子限制模型的要求一致。



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