首页> 外文期刊>Pestology >Bioefficacy of different treatment schedules of fenazaquin against yellow mite, Polyphagotersonemus latus (Banks) of chilli and its impact on predatory mites, Amblyseius spp.

Bioefficacy of different treatment schedules of fenazaquin against yellow mite, Polyphagotersonemus latus (Banks) of chilli and its impact on predatory mites, Amblyseius spp.

机译:头孢喹喹不同处理方案对辣椒的黄螨(Polyphagotersonemus latus(Banks))的生物有效性及其对捕食性螨虫(Amblyseius spp)的影响。

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Fenazaquin (Magister 10 EC) was evaluated in three different dose levels, viz., 100, 125 & 150 g a.i./ha against yellow mite, Polyphagotersonemus latus (Banks) on chilli once in kharif and again in pre-kharif season. Effect of fenazaquin on predatorymites, Amblyseius spp. and yield of chilli were also observed. It was evident from the experiments that fenazaquin provided effective control (more than 80 percent) of yellow mite of chilli when applied @ 125-150 g a.i./ha with significant increase in yield. Fenazaquin @ 150 g a.i./ha was superior than dicofol while all the three dosages of fenazaquin was superior to ethion in controlling the phytophagous mite. Fenazaquin was also found to be ecofriendly in nature being selective in action sparing major biocontrol agent like Amblyseius spp.
机译:用三种不同的剂量水平分别测定了Fenazaquin(Magister 10 EC)在辣椒中对黄螨,Polyphagotersonemus latus(Banks)在辣椒中的施用量,分别在哈里夫和哈里夫之前,分别为100、125和150 g。头孢喹唑对掠食性动物,mb虫的影响。还观察到辣椒的产量。从实验中可以明显看出,当以125-150 g a.i./ha的量施用时,fenazaquin可有效控制(超过80%)辣椒黄螨,并显着提高产量。 150毫克a.i./ha的Fenazaquin优于三氯杀螨醇,而这三种剂量的fenazaquin在控制植物吞噬螨虫方面均优于乙硫磷。还发现Fenazaquin本质上是生态友好的,在作用上具有选择性,而保留了诸如Amblyseius spp之类的主要生物防治剂。



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