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When less equals more - the rapid rise of weeds resistant to glyphosate


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'Just spraying Roundup was so easy ... There is no ease anymore.' Mark Nelson US Farmer of Roundup Ready (RR) soya beans, Paola, KansasWeeds resistant to glyphosate now cover vast areas in the US, and there is a sense of panic amongst weed scientists as to how to deal with the problem that is quickly overwhelming Monsanto's Roundup Ready (RR) soya, maize and cotton crops. The promise of fewer pesticides and simpler weed control is a thing of the past.Despite the indisputable signs that nature is winning the pesticides arms race in these crops, the ag-bio corporations are set on using yet more chemicals, often in mixtures, and tying in farmers with contracts that leave them no option but to follow.
机译:“仅仅喷涂农达蛋白非常容易……再也不容易了。”马克·纳尔逊(Mark Nelson)美国堪萨斯州帕拉的农达综述(RR)大豆的农民现在,草甘膦具有抗药性的杂草覆盖了美国的广大地区,杂草科学家对如何处理迅速使孟山都的问题不堪重负的问题感到恐慌。综述大豆,玉米和棉花作物。尽管有无可争议的迹象表明自然正在使这些农作物中的农药军备竞赛,但农业生物技术公司仍在使用更多的化学物质,通常是混合使用,以及用合同捆绑农民,使他们别无选择,只能遵循。



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