首页> 外文期刊>Physics in medicine and biology. >Light transport in biological tissue using three-dimensional frequency-domain simplified spherical harmonics equations.

Light transport in biological tissue using three-dimensional frequency-domain simplified spherical harmonics equations.


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The accuracy of the commonly used diffusion approximation as used in diffuse optical tomography is known to be limited in cases involving strong absorption and in these situations a higher ordered approximation is necessary. In this study, a light transport model has been developed based upon the three-dimensional frequency-domain simplified spherical harmonics (SP(N)) approximation for orders up to N = 7. The SP(N) data are tested against a semi-infinite multi-layered Monte Carlo model. It has been shown that the SP(N) approximation for higher orders (N >1) provides an increase in accuracy over the diffusion equation specifically near sources and at boundaries of regions with increased optical absorption. It is demonstrated that the error of fluence calculated near the sources between the diffusion approximation and the SP(N) model (N = 7) can be as large as 60%, therefore limiting the use of the diffusion approximation for small animal imaging and in situations where optical changes near sources are critical for tomographic reconstructions.
机译:已知在涉及强吸收的情况下,如在漫射光学层析成像中所使用的通常的扩散近似的精度受到限制,并且在这些情况下,需要更高阶的近似。在这项研究中,根据三维频域简化球谐函数(SP(N))逼近N = 7的阶次,开发了一种光传输模型。无限多层蒙特卡洛模型。已经表明,对于较高阶(N> 1)的SP(N)近似值提供了相对于扩散方程的更高的精确度,特别是在源附近以及在具有增加的光吸收的区域边界处。结果表明,在扩散近似和SP(N)模型之间(N = 7),在源附近计算出的注量误差可能高达60%,因此限制了将扩散近似用于小型动物成像和成像。光源附近的光学变化对于层析成像重建至关重要的情况。



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