首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences >Time-resolved remote Raman study of minerals under supercritical CO _2 and high temperatures relevant to Venus exploration

Time-resolved remote Raman study of minerals under supercritical CO _2 and high temperatures relevant to Venus exploration

机译:与金星勘探有关的超临界CO _2和高温下矿物的时间分辨远程拉曼研究

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We report time-resolved (TR) remote Raman spectra of minerals under supercritical CO_2 (approx. 95 atm pressure and 423 K) and under atmospheric pressure and high temperature up to 1003K at distances of 1.5 and 9 m, respectively. The TR Raman spectra of hydrous and anhydrous sulphates, carbonate and silicate minerals (e.g. talc, olivine, pyroxenes and feldspars) under supercritical CO_2 (approx. 95 atm pressure and 423 K) clearly show the well-defined Raman fingerprints of each mineral along with the Fermi resonance doublet of CO_2. Besides the CO_2 doublet and the effect of the viewing window, the main differences in the Raman spectra under Venus conditions are the phase transitions, the dehydration and decarbonation of various minerals, along with a slight shift in the peak positions and an increase in line-widths. The dehydration of melanterite (FeSO_4. 7H_2O) at 423K under approximately 95 atm CO_2 is detected by the presence of the Raman fingerprints of rozenite (FeSO_4. 4H2O) in the spectrum. Similarly, the high-temperature Raman spectra under ambient pressure of gypsum (CaSO_4. 2H_2O) and talc (Mg _3Si_4O_(10)(OH)_2) indicate that gypsum dehydrates at 518 K, but talc remains stable up to 1003 K. Partial dissociation of dolomite (CaMg(CO_3)_2) is observed at 973 K. The TR remote Raman spectra of olivine, a-spodumene (LiAlSi_2O_6) and clino-enstatite (MgSiO_3) pyroxenes and of albite (NaAlSi _3O_8) and microcline (KAlSi_3O_8) feldspars at high temperatures also show that the Raman lines remain sharp and well defined in the high-temperature spectra. The results of this study show that TR remote Raman spectroscopy could be a potential tool for exploring the surface mineralogy of Venus during both daytime and nighttime at short and long distances.
机译:我们报告了矿物在超临界CO_2(约95 atm压力和423 K)下以及在大气压和高温下分别在1.5和9 m的距离下的时间分辨(TR)远程拉曼光谱。含水和无水硫酸盐,碳酸盐和硅酸盐矿物(例如滑石,橄榄石,辉石和长石)在超临界CO_2(约95 atm压力和423 K)下的TR拉曼光谱清楚地显示出每种矿物的清晰定义的拉曼指纹以及CO_2的费米共振双峰。除了CO_2双重峰和观察窗的影响外,金星条件下拉曼光谱的主要区别在于相变,各种矿物的脱水和脱碳,以及峰位的轻微移动和谱线的增加。宽度。通过光谱中是否存在菱锰矿(FeSO_4·4H2O)的拉曼指纹图谱,可以检测出褐铁矿(FeSO_4·7H_2O)在423K下在大约95个大气压的CO_2下的脱水。同样,石膏(CaSO_4。2H_2O)和滑石(Mg _3Si_4O_(10)(OH)_2)在环境压力下的高温拉曼光谱表明,石膏在518 K时脱水,但滑石在1003 K时仍保持稳定。 973 K观察到白云石(CaMg(CO_3)_2)的光谱。橄榄石,α-锂辉石(LiAlSi_2O_6)和斜长辉石(MgSiO_3)辉石的辉石和钠长石(NaAlSi _3O_8)和微晶线(KAlSi_3O_8)的TR远程拉曼光谱在高温下,拉曼谱线也保持清晰,并在高温光谱中清晰界定。这项研究的结果表明,TR远程拉曼光谱法可能是在白天和夜间短距离和长距离探索金星表面矿物学的潜在工具。



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