首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Effects of logging and recruitment on community phylogenetic structure in 32 permanent forest plots of Kampong Thom, Cambodia

Effects of logging and recruitment on community phylogenetic structure in 32 permanent forest plots of Kampong Thom, Cambodia

机译:柬埔寨Kampong Thom的32个永久性森林地块的采伐和补充对群落系统发生结构的影响

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Ecological communities including tropical rainforest are rapidly changing under various disturbances caused by increasing human activities. Recently in Cambodia, illegal logging and clear-felling for agriculture have been increasing. Here, we study the effects of logging, mortality and recruitment of plot trees on phylogenetic community structure in 32 plots in Kampong Thom, Cambodia. Each plot was 0.25 ha; 28 plots were established in primary evergreen forests and four were established in secondary dry deciduous forests. Measurements were made in 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2010, and logging, recruitment and mortality of each tree were recorded. We estimated phylogeny using rbcL and matK gene sequences and quantified phylogenetic a and beta diversity. Within communities, logging decreased phylogenetic diversity, and increased overall phylogenetic clustering and terminal phylogenetic evenness. Between communities, logging increased phylogenetic similarity between evergreen and deciduous plots. On the other hand, recruitment had opposite effects both within and between communities. The observed patterns can be explained by environmental homogenization under logging. Logging is biased to particular species and larger diameter at breast height, and forest patrol has been effective in decreasing logging.
机译:在人类活动增加引起的各种干扰下,包括热带雨林在内的生态社区正在迅速变化。最近在柬埔寨,用于农业的非法砍伐和砍伐活动正在增加。在这里,我们研究了柬埔寨Kampong Thom的32个样地的伐木,死亡率和样地树募集对系统发育群落结构的影响。每个地块为0.25公顷;在原始常绿森林中建立了28个地块,在次要干燥落叶林中建立了四个地块。在1998年,2000年,2004年和2010年进行了测量,并记录了每棵树的伐木,采伐和死亡率。我们使用rbcL和matK基因序列估算了系统发育,并定量了系统发育a和beta多样性。在社区内,伐木减少了系统发育多样性,并增加了总体系统聚集性和最终系统均匀性。在社区之间,伐木增加了常绿和落叶地之间的系统发生相似性。另一方面,招聘在社区内部和社区之间产生相反的影响。可以通过测井下的环境均质解释观察到的模式。伐木偏向于特定物种,并且在胸高处直径较大,森林巡逻在减少伐木方面是有效的。



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