首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Implicit signals in small group settings a ndtheir impact on the expression of cognitive capacity and associated brain responses

Implicit signals in small group settings a ndtheir impact on the expression of cognitive capacity and associated brain responses


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Measures of intelligence, when broadcast, serve as salient signals of social status, which may be used to unjustly reinforce low-status stereotypes about out-groups’ cultural norms.Herein,we investigate neurobehavioural signals manifest in small (n=5) groups using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a ‘ranked group IQ task’ where implicit signals of social status are broadcast and differentiate individuals based on their expression of cognitive capacity. We report an initial overall decrease in the expression of cognitive capacity in the small group setting. However, the environment of the ‘ranked group IQ task’ eventually stratifies the population into two groups (‘high performers’, HP and ‘low performers’, LP) identifiable based on changes in estimated intelligence quotient and brain responses in the amygdala and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. In addition, we demonstrate signals in the nucleus accumbens consistent with prediction errors in expected changes in status regardless of group membership. Our results suggest that individuals express diminished cognitive capacity in small groups, an effect that is exacerbated by perceived lower status within the group and correlated with specific neurobehavioural responses. The impact these reactions have on intergroup divisions and conflict resolution requires further investigation, but suggests that low-status groups may develop diminished capacity to mitigate conflict using non-violent means.
机译:智力的测量方法在广播时可作为社会地位的重要信号,可用于不公正地强化关于群体文化规范的低状态刻板印象。在此,我们调查了使用(n = 5)小群体的神经行为信号功能磁共振成像和“ IQ等级任务”,其中隐含的社会地位信号被广播,并根据他们的认知能力表达来区分个体。我们报告在小组设置中认知能力表达的总体下降。但是,“智商排名靠前的任务”的环境最终将人群分为两类(“高表现者”,HP和“低表现者”,LP),这是根据杏仁体和背外侧的估计智商和大脑反应的变化来确定的。前额叶皮层。此外,我们证明了在伏隔核中的信号与预期状态变化的预测误差一致,而与组成员身份无关。我们的研究结果表明,个体在小群体中表达的认知能力下降,这种感觉因在群体中感知到的较低状态而加剧,并与特定的神经行为反应有关。这些反应对群体间分裂的影响以及冲突的解决需要进一步调查,但表明地位低下的群体使用非暴力手段缓解冲突的能力可能减弱。



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