首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Evolving communicative complexity: insights from rodents and beyond

Evolving communicative complexity: insights from rodents and beyond


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Social living goes hand in hand with communication, but the details of this relationship are rarely simple. Complex communication may be described by attributes as diverse as a species' entire repertoire, signallers' individualistic signatures, or complex acoustic phenomena within single calls. Similarly, attributes of social complexity are diverse and may include group size, social role diversity, or networks of interactions and relationships. How these different attributes of social and communicative complexity co-evolve is an active question in behavioural ecology. Sciurid rodents (ground squirrels, prairie dogs and marmots) provide an excellent model system for studying these questions. Sciurid studies have found that demographic role complexity predicts alarm call repertoire size, while social group size predicts alarm call individuality. Along with other taxa, sciurids reveal an important insight: different attributes of sociality are linked to different attributes of communication. By breaking social and communicative complexity down to different attributes, focused studies can better untangle the underlying evolutionary relationships and move us closer to a comprehensive theory of how sociality and communication evolve.
机译:社交生活与沟通密切相关,但是这种关系的细节很少那么简单。复杂的通信可以用多种属性来描述,例如物种的全部曲目,信号员的个人特征或单个呼叫中的复杂声音现象。同样,社会复杂性的属性是多种多样的,并且可能包括群体规模,社会角色多样性或互动和关系网络。社交和交流复杂性的这些不同属性如何共同发展是行为生态学中的一个活跃问题。 Sciurid啮齿动物(松鼠,草原土拨鼠和土拨鼠)为研究这些问题提供了极好的模型系统。 Sciurid研究发现,人口统计学的角色复杂性可预测报警呼叫库的大小,而社会群体的规模可预测报警呼叫的个体性。与其他分类单元一起,蛛形纲动物也揭示出重要的见解:社会性的不同属性与沟通的不同属性相关。通过将社交和沟通复杂性分解为不同的属性,重点研究可以更好地理清潜在的进化关系,并使我们更接近关于社交性和沟通方式演变的综合理论。



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