首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Hippocampal NMDA receptors are important for behavioural inhibition but not for encoding associative spatial memories

Hippocampal NMDA receptors are important for behavioural inhibition but not for encoding associative spatial memories


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The idea that anNMDAreceptor (NMDAR)-dependent long-termpotentiationlike process in the hippocampus is the neural substrate for associative spatial learning andmemory has proved to be extremely popular and influential.However, we recently reported that mice lackingNMDARs in dentate gyrus andCA1 hippocampal subfields (GluN~(?DDGCA1) mice) acquired the open field, spatial reference memorywatermaze task aswell as controls, a result that directly challenges this view. Here, we show that GluN~(?DDGCA1) mice were not impaired during acquisition of a spatial discrimination watermaze task, during which mice had to choose between two visually identical beacons, based on extramaze spatial cues, when all trials started at locations equidistant between the two beacons. They were subsequently impaired on test trials starting from close to the decoy beacon, conducted post-acquisition. GluN~(?DDGCA1) mice were also impaired during reversal of this spatial discrimination. Thus, contrary to the widely held belief, hippocampalNMDARs are not required for encoding associative, long-termspatialmemories. Instead, hippocampalNMDARs, particularly in CA1, act as part of a comparator systemto detect and resolve conflicts arising when two competing, behavioural response options are evoked concurrently, through activation of a behavioural inhibition system. These results have important implications for current theories of hippocampal function.
机译:海马依赖NMDA受体(NMDAR)的长时程增强过程是相关空间学习和记忆的神经基质的想法已被证明非常流行和有影响力。然而,我们最近报道了在齿状回和CA1海马亚区中缺乏NMDAR的小鼠(GluN 〜(?DDGCA1)小鼠)获得了开放视野,空间参考记忆水迷宫任务以及控件,结果直接挑战了这一观点。在这里,我们显示GluN〜(?DDGCA1)小鼠在获取空间分辨注水迷宫任务的过程中没有受到损害,在此过程中,当所有试验都在等距的位置开始时,小鼠必须根据迷宫空间线索在两个视觉上相同的信标之间进行选择。两个信标。随后,他们在获取后进行的从诱饵信标附近开始的测试试验中受到损害。在这种空间分辨力的逆转过程中,GluN〜(?DDGCA1)小鼠也受损。因此,与普遍认为的相反,海马NMDAR不需要编码长期的关联性空间记忆。相反,海马NMDAR(尤其是CA1中的海马NMDAR)充当比较器系统的一部分,以检测并解决通过激活行为抑制系统同时引发两个相互竞争的行为响应选项时产生的冲突。这些结果对当前的海马功能理论具有重要意义。



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