
Simian homologues of Epstein-Barr virus


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gamma -Herpesviruses closely related to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are known to naturally infect Old World non-human primates and are classified in the same lymphocryptovirus (LCV) genera. LCV infecting humans and Old World primates share similar biology, and recent studies have demonstrated that these viruses share a similar repertoire of viral genes. Surprisingly, the latent infection genes associated with cell growth transformation demonstrate the most striking sequence divergence, but the functional mechanisms for these genes are generally well conserved. The recent discovery of LVCs naturally infecting New World primates has rewritten tile old paradigm of LCV host range restriction to humans and Old World non-human primates, so that these viruses are more widespread than previously believed. However, the New World LCV genome has significant and interesting differences from EBV and other Old World LCVs despite similar biological properties. Thus, tile simian homologues of EBV can provide an important animal model for studying LCV pathogenesis, and the similarities and differences that have evolved among these related viruses can provide a unique perspective towards a better understanding of EBV. [References: 67]
机译:与爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(EBV)密切相关的伽玛-疱疹病毒已知会自然感染旧世界的非人类灵长类动物,并归入同一类淋巴病毒(LCV)属。感染人类和旧世界灵长类动物的LCV具有相似的生物学特性,最近的研究表明这些病毒具有相似的病毒基因库。出乎意料的是,与细胞生长转化相关的潜伏感染基因表现出最惊人的序列差异,但这些基因的功能机制通常被很好地保守。最近自然感染新世界灵长类动物的LVC的发现改写了LCV宿主对人类和旧世界非人类灵长类动物的范围限制的旧范式,因此这些病毒比以前认为的更为广泛。但是,尽管新世界LCV基因组具有相似的生物学特性,但它与EBV和其他旧世界LCV的基因组却存在明显且有趣的差异。因此,EBV的猿猴同系物可以为研究LCV发病机理提供重要的动物模型,而这些相关病毒之间的相似性和差异性可以为更好地理解EBV提供独特的视角。 [参考:67]



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