
Mechanisms of RNA catalysis


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Ribozymes are RNA molecules that act as chemical catalysts. In contemporary cells, most known ribozymes carry out phosphoryl transfer reactions. The nucleolytic ribozymes comprise a class of five structurally-distinct species that bring about site-specific cleavage by nucleophilic attack of the 20-O on the adjacent 30-P to form a cyclic 20,30-phosphate. In general, they will also catalyse the reverse reaction. As a class, all these ribozymes appear to use general acid–base catalysis to accelerate these reactions by about a million-fold. In the Varkud satellite ribozyme, we have shown that the cleavage reaction is catalysed by guanine and adenine nucleobases acting as general base and acid, respectively. The hairpin ribozyme most probably uses a closely similar mechanism. Guanine nucleobases appear to be a common choice of general base, but the general acid is more variable. By contrast, the larger ribozymes such as the self-splicing introns and RNase P act as metalloenzymes.
机译:核酶是充当化学催化剂的RNA分子。在当代细胞中,大多数已知的核酶进行磷酸基转移反应。溶核酶包括一类五种结构上不同的物质,它们通过亲核攻击邻近的30-P上的20-O以形成环状20,30-磷酸而引起位点特异性裂解。通常,它们还将催化逆反应。作为一类,所有这些核酶似乎都使用普通的酸碱催化作用将这些反应加速了大约一百万倍。在Varkud卫星核酶中,我们已经表明裂解反应是由分别作为通用碱和酸的鸟嘌呤和腺嘌呤核碱基催化的。发夹状核酶很可能使用了非常相似的机制。鸟嘌呤核苷碱基似乎是通用碱基的常见选择,但通用酸的可变性更大。相比之下,较大的核酶(例如自剪接内含子和RNase P)充当金属酶。



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