首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >Quorum-quenching microbial infections: mechanisms and implications

Quorum-quenching microbial infections: mechanisms and implications


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The discovery of antibiotics early in the past century marked the beginning of active control and prevention of infectious microbial diseases. However, extensive use of antibiotics has also unavoidably resulted in the emergence of ‘superbugs’ that resist conventional antibiotics. The finding that many pathogens rely on cell-to-cell communication mechanisms, known as quorum sensing, to synchronize microbial activities essential for infection and survival in the host suggests a promising disease control strategy, i.e. quenching microbial quorum sensing or in short, quorum quenching. Work over the past few years has demonstrated that quorum-quenching mechanisms are widely conserved in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. These naturally occurring quorum-quenching mechanisms appear to play important roles in microbe–microbe and pathogen–host interactions and have been used, or served as lead compounds, in developing and formulating a new generation of antimicrobials. Characterization of the crystal structures of several types of quorum-quenching enzymes has provided valuable information to elucidate the catalytic mechanisms, as well as clues for future protein tailoring and molecular improvement. The discovery of quorum-sensing signal degradation enzymes in mammalian species represents a new milestone in quorum sensing and quorum quenching research. The finding highlights the importance of investigating their roles in host innate defence against infectious diseases and to determine the factors influencing their in vivo concentrations and catalytic activities.



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