首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Reinforcing and neurochemical effects of cocaine: differences among C57, DBA, and 129 mice.

Reinforcing and neurochemical effects of cocaine: differences among C57, DBA, and 129 mice.


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C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and 129/OlaHsd mice were compared as to their propensity to self-administer cocaine, the ability of cocaine injection to prevent extinction of nose poking in the absence of cocaine infusion, and cocaine's effect on NGFI-A and secretogranin II mRNA. Baseline nose-poke activity tended to be highest in C57 and lowest in DBA mice. C57 and DBA mice self-administered cocaine, as indicated by more frequent nose pokes in mice allowed to infuse cocaine through nose pokes than in mice passively receiving the same amount of cocaine. DBA mice had the larger ratio between active and yoked-control animals, but the response rate in DBA mice was four times lower, and cocaine intake 10 times lower than in C57 mice. The 129 mice showed little response to cocaine. C57 and DBA mice that had been self-administering cocaine showed an extinction of responding when infusions were stopped, preventable by IP cocaine (5 mg kg(-)(1)). A single cocaine injection (2 mg kg(-)(1)) increased NGFI-A mRNA and decreased secretogranin II mRNA in the caudate putamen in C57 mice. These effects were more widespread in DBA and absent in the 129 mice. The marked differences among mouse strains described here will be important to consider when transgenic mice are to be used in cocaine-related studies.
机译:比较了C57BL / 6J,DBA / 2J和129 / OlaHsd小鼠的自我给药倾向,可卡因注射液在没有可卡因输注的情况下预防鼻po绝种的能力以及可卡因对NGFI-A的作用和促分泌素II mRNA。基线鼻刺活性在C57中趋于最高,而在DBA小鼠中趋于最低。 C57和DBA小鼠自行服用可卡因,这表明,与被动接受相同量可卡因的小鼠相比,允许通过鼻腔注入可卡因的小鼠出现更频繁的鼻po。 DBA小鼠的活动和带轭对照动物之间的比率更大,但DBA小鼠的反应率比C57小鼠低四倍,可卡因摄入量低十倍。 129只小鼠对可卡因几乎没有反应。自行注射可卡因的C57和DBA小鼠在停止输注时表现出反应消失,这可通过IP可卡因(5 mg kg(-)(1))预防。一次可卡因注射(2 mg kg(-)(1))在C57小鼠的尾状壳中增加了NGFI-A mRNA并降低了促分泌素II mRNA。这些效应在DBA中更为普遍,而在129只小鼠中则没有。当将转基因小鼠用于可卡因相关研究时,此处描述的小鼠品系之间的显着差异将非常重要。



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