首页> 外文期刊>Pflanzenschutzberichte >Investigations of damage effects and control methods of two new phytopathogens of soybeans in Austria: Colletotrichum dematium (Pers.) Grove f. truncatum (Schwein.) Andrus & W. D. Moore and Diaporthe phaseolorum (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc.

Investigations of damage effects and control methods of two new phytopathogens of soybeans in Austria: Colletotrichum dematium (Pers.) Grove f. truncatum (Schwein.) Andrus & W. D. Moore and Diaporthe phaseolorum (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc.

机译:奥地利两种大豆新植物病原的危害效应及防治方法的研究。矮牵牛(Schwein。)Andrus&W. D. Moore和Diaporthe phaseolorum(Cooke&Ellis)Sacc。

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Soybean varieties were examined for field infestation with C. dematium and D. phaseolorum in three different climatic regions of Austria. These phytopathogens have not been recorded from Austria before. Furthermore, investigations on yield, varietalsensitivity and mycological contamination of the harvested crop were conducted after treatment with fungicides whose active ingredients belong to the strobilurin derivative, triazole, dithiocarbamat-phenylamide and imidazol groups. The varieties Ceresia, Essor, Labrador and Quito displayed resistant qualities toward C. dematium. Varieties of the ripening class 000 generally showed higher susceptibility to C. phaseolorum. The varieties Ceresia, Quito, Apache and Essor showed less susceptibility to D. phaseolorum. In the years 1995-1999 fungicide treatments significantly reduced infection on the average by 20-40 percent (Newman-Keuls Multiple Comparison test, (#alpha# = 0.05). Folicur (250 g/l tebuconazole), with 43 percent efficacy gave the best protection against C. dematium. Against D. phaseolorum fungicides from all groups of active substances were within the range of 30 percent efficacy. On the average fungicides treatments increased grain yields by 5 to 10 percent. In years with particularly highdisease pressure yield increases of up to 20 percent could be achieved. Besides D. phaseolorum and C. dematium mycological investigations of the harvested crop detected a number of other seed-borne diseases, e.g. Alternaria ssp., Fusarium ssp., Phoma exigua, Rhizoctonia solani Pseudomonas glycinea and Xanthomonas phaseoli. Infestation of the harvested seeds with D. phaseolorum lay under or around 5 percent at two of the three locations. Approximate 50 percent of the grains were infected with D. phaseolorum at one location in the humid area. In this case a strobilurin derivative gave the best protection with 50 percent efficacy, whereas fungicides with other active ingredients showed about 25 percent efficacy. Infestation of the harvested crop with C.dematium was below 5 percent at all three locations. With respect to leaf, stem and pod infestation by both diseases, grain samples from the arid area were generally substantially healthier than those from the humid area: dry region (experimental stationFuchsenbigl) 50 percent free of infestation, humid region (experimental stations Petzenkirchen and Reichersberg) 5 percent free of infestation.
机译:在奥地利的三个不同气候区域,对大豆品种进行了田间梭状芽胞杆菌和菜豆D.菜豆的田间侵染研究。这些植物病原体以前从未在奥地利记录过。此外,在对杀菌剂进行处理后,对收获的农作物的产量,品种敏感性和真菌学污染进行了研究,这些杀菌剂的活性成分属于嗜球果伞素衍生物,三唑,二硫代氨基甲酸-苯酰胺和咪唑类。 Ceresia,Essor,Labrador和Quito品种表现出对C. dematium的抗性。成熟等级为000的品种通常对菜豆念珠菌表现出更高的敏感性。 Ceresia,Quito,Apache和Essor品种对菜豆D. phaseolorum的敏感性较低。在1995年至1999年间,杀菌剂治疗的平均感染率平均降低了20%至40%(Newman-Keuls多重比较测试,(#alpha#= 0.05)。叶酸(250 g / l戊唑醇),有43%的药效,使最佳的抗C. dematium的作用。所有活性物质组对菜豆D. phaseolorum杀真菌剂的功效均在30%范围内;平均而言,使用杀真菌剂可使谷物产量提高5%至10%。可以达到20%的收成率。除了对菜豆的食腐病菌和皮肤病梭状芽孢杆菌进行的真菌学调查以外,还发现了许多其他种子传播的疾病,例如链格孢属,镰刀菌,埃马瓜,根瘤菌,假单胞菌,假单胞菌甘氨酸和黄单胞菌。菜豆在三个位置中的两个位置侵染收获豆,其感染率低于或低于5%,大约50%的谷物感染了菜豆。 seolorum在潮湿区域的一个位置。在这种情况下,嗜球果伞素衍生物以50%的功效提供了最好的保护,而具有其他活性成分的杀菌剂的功效约为25%。在这三个地方,收获的作物都受到了C.dematium的侵扰,低于5%。关于两种疾病对叶片,茎和豆荚的侵染,干旱地区的谷物样品通常比潮湿地区的谷物样品健康得多:干燥地区(实验站Fuchsenbigl)无侵扰的地区为50%,潮湿地区(实验站Petzenkirchen和Reichersberg) )免遭5%侵扰。



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