首页> 外文期刊>Pest Management Science >Spot drip application of dimethyl disulfide as a post-plant treatment for the control of plant parasitic nematodes and soilborne pathogens in grape production

Spot drip application of dimethyl disulfide as a post-plant treatment for the control of plant parasitic nematodes and soilborne pathogens in grape production


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BACKGROUND: Plant parasitic nematodes and soilborne pathogens can reduce the overall productivity in grape production. Not all grape growers apply soil fumigants before planting, and there is no single rootstock resistant to all nematode species. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) applied at 112, 224, 448 and 897 kg ha~(-1) as a post-plant treatment against soilborne plant parasitic nematodes and pathogens on the grape yield in established grapevines. RESULTS: In microplot and field trials, post-plant fumigation with DMDS controlled citrus (Tylenchulus semipenetrans), root-knot (Meloidogyne spp.), pin (Paratylenchus spp.) and ring (Mesocriconema xenoplax) nematodes in established Thomson Seedless grapevines. However, DMDS did not control the soilborne pathogens Pythium ultimum and Fusarium oxysporum. No indications of phytotoxicity were detected after post-plant fumigation with DMDS. In the field trial, grape yield was significantly higher with the lowest DMDS rate, but no difference among other rates was observed in comparison with the untreated control. CONCLUSION: Post-plant fumigation with DMDS controlled plant parasitic nematodes in established grapevines but was less efficacious against soilborne pathogens. Low rates of DMDS were sufficient for nematode control and increased the grape yield, probably without affecting beneficial soil organisms. Further research on evaluating the potential effect of DMDS against beneficial soil organisms is needed.
机译:背景:植物寄生线虫和土壤传播的病原体会降低葡萄生产的整体生产力。并非所有葡萄种植者都在种植前施用土壤熏蒸剂,并且没有一种抗所有线虫物种的砧木。这项研究的目的是评估112、224、448和897 kg ha〜(-1)施用二甲基二硫(DMDS)作为植物后对土壤传播的植物寄生线虫和病原体的处理对葡萄产量的影响。成熟的葡萄树。结果:在微区试验和田间试验中,在已建立的Thomson无核葡萄树中,用DMDS控制的柑橘(Tylenchulus semipenetrans),根结(Meloidogyne spp。),销(Paratylenchus spp。)和环(Mesocriconema xenoplax)线虫进行植物熏蒸。但是,DMDS不能控制土壤传播的病原体终极腐霉和尖孢镰刀菌。用DMDS对植物进行熏蒸后未发现任何植物毒性迹象。在田间试验中,以最低的DMDS速率,葡萄产量显着更高,但是与未处理的对照相比,没有观察到其他速率之间的差异。结论:在成熟的葡萄树中,用DMDS控制的植物寄生线虫对植物进行熏蒸处理,但对土壤传播的病原体的效果较差。 DMDS的低用量足以控制线虫并增加葡萄产量,可能不会影响有益的土壤生物。需要进一步评估DMDS对有益土壤生物的潜在影响。



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