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Non-Opec Gains Trump Opec Cuts In December


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Strenuous output cutting by Opec failed to rein in global oil supply in December, which jumped by 245,000 barrels per day from November to 86.867 million b/d, according to preliminary PIW soundings. Opec trimmed its crude production by more than 400,000 b/d, but this was more than offset by non-Opec output growth of almost 600,000 b/d (PIW Dec.8,p5). Opec's cause wasn't helped by monthly increases of roughly 170,000 b/d each from Iraq, which isn't subject to the organization's output agreements, and Angola, which is Loading schedules also indicate a small, albeit probably temporary, rise in Nigerian output. Several other Opec members made sizable reductions in output last month, led by Saudi Arabia, whose output excluding its Neutral Zone volumes fell by 350,000 b/d to 8.2 million b/d. Kuwait, Iran, and the UAE all look to have delivered reductions of roughly 100,000 b/d, with smaller contributions from other Opec members, most notably Venezuela, which cut output last month by just 3,000 b/d. This leaves overall production for the 11 Opec members party to output agreements at 26.939 million b/d, more than 2 million b/d above the group's new 24.845 million b/d output ceiling, which came into effect Jan. 1 (PIW Jan.5,p1).
机译:PIW初步调查显示,欧佩克的大幅减产未能控制12月的全球石油供应,从11月起每天增加245,000桶,至8867.6万桶/天。欧佩克将其原油产量削减了40万桶/日以上,但被非欧佩克的近60万桶/日的产量增长所抵消(PIW 12月8日,第5页)。伊拉克每月每桶约170,000桶的日产量增加,对欧佩克的事业无济于事,伊拉克不受该组织产量协议的约束;安哥拉的《装船时间表》也表明尼日利亚产量有小幅增长,​​尽管可能是暂时的。在沙特阿拉伯的带动下,欧佩克其他几个成员的产量上月大幅减少,沙特阿拉伯的不包括中立区的产量下降了35万桶/天,至820万桶/天。科威特,伊朗和阿联酋都希望减产约100,000桶/日,而其他欧佩克成员国,尤其是委内瑞拉的减产幅度较小,上个月该国的产量仅减少了3,000桶/日。这使11个欧佩克成员国的总产量达到了2693.9万桶/天,比该集团于1月1日生效的新的2484.50万桶/天的产量上限高出200万桶/天。 5,p1)。



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