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A method for correcting log-derived temperatures in deep wells,calibrated in the Gulf of Mexico


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A method for correcting log-derived temperatures in deep wells (3500-6500 m) has been developed by comparing log temperatures from the Gulf of Campeche (Mexican Gulf of Mexico) with DST temperatures in the same wells.The equations developed in this study are modified slightly from those of Waples & Mahadir Ramly (2001),which were calibrated using data from depths <3500 m in Malaysia.The correction depends strongly on time since end of mud circulation (TSC) and,to a much lesser degree,on depth.In this study the true subsurface temperature (Celsius) is given by T_(true)=T_(surf)+f(T_(meas)-T_(surf)-0.001391(Z-4498) where f=1.32866~(-0.0005289TSC) is the seafloor or land-surface temperature (degC),T_(meas) is the measured log temperature (degC),TSC is in hours and Z is depth below seafloor in metres.If TSC is unknown,it can be estimated from the trend of TSC with depth.An estimate of the uncertainty in the corrected temperature is obtained from the equation:where a is the standard deviation of the correction factor f.The uncertainty in the correction factor f can be expressed as +-2sigma.
机译:通过将坎佩切湾(墨西哥墨西哥湾)的测井温度与相同井中的DST温度进行比较,已经开发出一种校正深井(3500-6500 m)测井温度的方法。与Waples和Mahadir Ramly(2001)的数据略有不同,该数据是使用马来西亚<3500 m深度的数据进行校准的。校正很大程度上取决于自泥浆循环(TSC)结束以来的时间,并且在较小程度上取决于深度在这项研究中,真实的地下温度(摄氏度)由T_(true)= T_(surf)+ f(T_(meas)-T_(surf)-0.001391(Z-4498)给出,其中f = 1.32866〜(-0.0005289) TSC)是海底或陆地表面温度(degC),T_(meas)是测得的对数温度(degC),TSC以小时为单位,Z是海平面以下的深度,以米为单位。如果TSC未知,则可以从TSC随深度的变化趋势。校正方程式中不确定度的估计值可从以下公式得出:其中a是标准偏差校正因子f的不确定性可以表示为+ -2sigma。



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