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Mesozpic—Cenozoic exhumation and volcanism in Northern Ireland constrained by AFTA and compaction data from the Larne No. 2 borehole


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There have been many studies into the post-Palaeozoic exhumation history of the Irish Sea basin system, which is thought by some to be the locus of Cenozoic exhumation in the British Isles. Few studies, however, have sought to constrain the history of Mesozoic—Cenozoic vertical motions in Northern Ireland, where the geological record of this time period is comparatively complete. Post-Triassic rocks are missing from large parts of the Irish Sea, but sediments of Lower Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous and Oligocene age are found in Northern Ireland, in addition to the Paleocene flood basalts of the Antrim Lava Group. Here we present apatite fission-track analysis (AFTA) and sedimentary rock compaction data from the Larne No. 2 borehole, NE Northern Ireland, which penetrated a c. 2.9 km thick Permian—Trias sic succession intruded by Palaeogene dykes and sills. We show that the preserved section was more deeply buried by up to 2.45 km of Upper Triassic—Lower Jurassic sediments that were removed during exhumation episodes beginning during the mid-Jurassic and early Cretaceous. Our results suggest limited early Palaeogene exhumation, which is consistent with the preservation of Upper Cretaceous Chalks beneath the Antrim Lava Group. They also indicate deeper burial of the preserved section by up to 1.3 km prior to late Cenozoic exhumation. This additional section could include a substantial thickness of Paleocene basalt, which provides a likely explanation for the anomalously low porosities of the Chalk in Northern Ireland.
机译:爱尔兰海盆地系统的古生代后发掘历史已有许多研究,有人认为这是不列颠群岛新生代的发掘地。然而,很少有研究试图限制北爱尔兰的中生代-新生代垂直运动的历史,那里该时期的地质记录相对完整。爱尔兰海的大部分地区都缺少三叠纪后的岩石,但是除了安特里姆熔岩群的古新世玄武岩外,北爱尔兰还发现了下侏罗纪,上白垩纪和渐新世的沉积物。在这里,我们介绍了北爱尔兰东北部Larne 2号钻孔的磷灰石裂变径迹分析(AFTA)和沉积岩压实数据,该数据穿透了c。 2.9公里厚的二叠纪—古生代堤和基岩侵入的Tris sic演替。我们显示,保存的部分被长达2.45 km的上三叠纪—下侏罗统沉积物更深地埋藏,这些侏罗纪沉积物在侏罗纪中期和白垩纪开始的发掘过程中被清除。我们的结果表明,古近纪早期发掘活动有限,这与安特里姆熔岩群下方的上白垩统白垩的保存是一致的。他们还表明,在晚新生代发掘之前,保留区的埋葬最深达1.3 km。这个额外的部分可能包括相当厚度的古新世玄武岩,这可能为北爱尔兰Chalk异常低的孔隙度提供了解释。



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