首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives in vascular surgery and endovascular therapy. >Variability in the management of superficial venous thrombophlebitis among phlebologists and vascular surgeons

Variability in the management of superficial venous thrombophlebitis among phlebologists and vascular surgeons


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Introduction. This study aimed to compare management patterns of patients with superficial venous thrombophlebitis (SVT) among phlebologists and vascular surgeons. Methods. A survey was provided to practitioners who attended the American Venous Forum meeting in 2011. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, unpaired t tests, and Friedman's test for correlation. Results. There were 354 US or Canadian health care providers of whom 169 were phlebologists and 185 were vascular surgeons. There was a significant different in anticoagulation administration and duration (P =.034, P =.032, respectively). Friedman's test for correlation between multiple surgical treatments showed no correlation between surgical treatments tested with all treatments having an equal distribution in our data. Follow-up differed between groups with vascular surgeons following up with imaging more than phlebologists (P =.03). Conclusion. Our data indicate that there is no consensus between or among phlebologists or vascular surgeons as to the surgical management of superficial venous thrombophlebitis, duration of follow-up, and anticoagulation parameters.
机译:介绍。这项研究旨在比较静脉科医生和血管外科医师对浅表静脉血栓性静脉炎(SVT)患者的治疗方式。方法。对参加2011年美国静脉论坛会议的从业人员进行了调查。统计分析包括描述性统计,不成对的t检验和弗里德曼相关性检验。结果。有354位美国或加拿大的医疗保健提供者,其中169位是静脉血液科医生,而185位是血管外科医师。抗凝药的给药时间和持续时间有显着差异(分别为P = .034,P = .032)。弗里德曼对多种手术治疗之间相关性的检验表明,在我们的数据中,所有治疗均具有均等分布的情况下,所测试的手术治疗之间无相关性。两组之间的随访情况有所不同,血管外科医师对影像学的随访率高于静脉医师(P = .03)。结论。我们的数据表明,就浅表静脉血栓性静脉炎的手术治疗,随访时间和抗凝参数而言,静脉生物学家或血管外科医师之间没有共识。



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