首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics international : >Critical analysis of caregiver perceptions regarding gastrostomy tube placement.

Critical analysis of caregiver perceptions regarding gastrostomy tube placement.


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BACKGROUND: Gastrostomy tubes (GT) are often required to safely provide nutrition in children with feeding disorders and aspiration risk. The need for a GT brings with it known risks, complications, and benefits, but caregivers may have unspoken concerns and expectations. The present study was done to assess caregiver concerns, expectations, and satisfaction with GT placement in children. METHODS: A two-part retrospective and prospective study was conducted to assess caregiver concerns and expectations related to GT placement, to determine which concerns and expectations came to fruition, and to rate overall satisfaction with the GT. Questionnaires were used to collect data before and after GT placement. A visual analog scale (VAS) score was used to determine degree of concern and satisfaction. RESULTS: Sixty-four children (19 retrospective, 45 prospective) completed the study. Concern score by VAS was evenly distributed with a mean value of 47.4 +/- 31.8. Concerns were realized in 25%; expectations were met in 93%. Feeding time decreased following GT placement. Satisfaction was reported as satisfied (23.6%), pleased (16.4%), or very pleased (60.0%). CONCLUSIONS: Despite pre-placement concerns, most caregivers reported being pleased with the GT following placement. Concerns that occurred were of minor medical significance. Most expectations were met, in particular improved nutrition. The present study provides insight into caregiver concerns and expectations, and which are likely to occur. This information can be useful when counseling caregivers of children requiring GT.
机译:背景:通常需要使用胃造口管(GT)来安全地为有进食障碍和误吸风险的儿童提供营养。对GT的需求带来了已知的风险,并发症和好处,但是看护人可能会隐含着担忧和期望。本研究旨在评估照顾者的担忧,期望和对儿童放置GT的满意度。方法:进行了一项分为两部分的回顾性和前瞻性研究,以评估与GT安置有关的护理人员的关注和期望,确定哪些关注和期望得以实现,并对GT的总体满意度进行评分。问卷调查被用来收集GT放置前后的数据。视觉模拟量表(VAS)分数用于确定关注和满意度。结果:64名儿童(回顾性研究19例,前瞻性研究45例)完成了研究。 VAS的关注分数平均分布,平均值为47.4 +/- 31.8。有25%的人感到担忧;达到了93%的期望。放置GT后,送料时间减少了。满意的报告为满意(23.6%),满意(16.4%)或非常满意(60.0%)。结论:尽管有安置前的担忧,但大多数护理人员都对安置后的GT感到满意。发生的问题具有较小的医学意义。满足了大多数期望,特别是改善了营养。本研究提供了对照料者的关注和期望的见解,并且可能会发生。在为需要GT的孩子提供照顾时,该信息可能会很有用。



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