首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Dentistry Today >Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization as Signed into Law Contains Key Dental Provisions Sought by AAPD

Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization as Signed into Law Contains Key Dental Provisions Sought by AAPD


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On Feb. 4, 2009, President Obama signed into law legislation to reauthorize and expand the state Children's Health Insurance Program to an additional four million children. The official title of the legislation is the "Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2009," so once again the program will be referred to as CHIP versus SCHIP. The House passed the bill on Jan. 14, 2009, by a vote of 289-139, while the Senate approved the bill by a vote of 66-32 on Jan. 29, 2009. CHIP was set to expire on March 31, 2009, absent congressional action.The law requires states to offer dental care through CHIP, and also allows states to extend dental benefits to children who have private health coverage that does not include dental coverage. This represents a tremendous legislative victory for children, as these provisions were strongly advocated by the AAPD and the dental community. The AAPD worked especially closely with the ADA, AGD, ADEA and the Children's Dental Health Project.
机译:2009年2月4日,奥巴马总统签署了法律法案,将州儿童健康保险计划重新授权并扩大到另外400万儿童。该立法的正式名称是“ 2009年儿童健康保险计划(CHIP)重新授权法”,因此该计划将再次称为CHIP vs SCHIP。众议院于2009年1月14日以289-139的投票通过了该法案,而参议院于2009年1月29日以66-32的投票通过了该法案。CHIP将于2009年3月31日到期。该法律要求各州通过CHIP提供牙科护理,还允许各州将牙科福利扩展至拥有私人健康保险(不包括牙科保险)的儿童。这是儿童立法的巨大胜利,因为AAPD和牙科社区强烈倡导这些规定。 AAPD与ADA,AGD,ADEA和儿童牙齿保健项目密切合作。



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