首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric dentistry >Factors associated with parents' esthetic perceptions of children's mixed dentition fluorosis and demarcated opacities.

Factors associated with parents' esthetic perceptions of children's mixed dentition fluorosis and demarcated opacities.


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PURPOSE: With the increasing prevalence of dental fluorosis, improved understanding about esthetic perceptions of dental fluorosis is warranted. The purpose of this report was to present results concerning parents' overall satisfaction with the appearance of their children's teeth and factors related to dissatisfaction, comparing subjects with and without fluorosis and demarcated opacities. METHODS: Data were obtained from 577 parents in the Iowa Fluoride Study who answered a questionnaire concerning their satisfaction with the appearance of their children's teeth at age 9 years, as well as several components of dissatisfaction. Concurrent assessment of the mixed dentition was made by 1 of 2 trained dentist examiners. RESULTS: Overall, 31% of parents were very satisfied, 51% somewhat satisfied, 16% somewhat dissatisfied, and 3% very dissatisfied with appearance. Parents of children without fluorosis were more likely to be very satisfied (46%) than were parents of children with questionable fluorosis (31%) or definitive fluorosis (22%). Among the 401 not "very satisfied," 50% of those with fluorosis vs 40% with no fluorosis were concerned about color, 60% of both groups were concerned about alignment, 44% and 51%, respectively, were concerned about crowding, and 44% and 9%, respectively, were concerned about blotchiness. CONCLUSIONS: Fluorosis was associated with increased parental dissatisfaction with overall appearance, color, and blotchiness of their children's teeth.
机译:目的:随着氟牙症患病率的增加,有必要对氟牙症的审美感知有更好的了解。本报告旨在提供有关父母对孩子牙齿外观的总体满意度以及与不满相关的因素的结果,比较患有和不患有氟中毒和划定混浊的受试者。方法:数据来自爱荷华州氟化物研究的577位父母,他们回答了一份调查表,询问他们对9岁时孩子的牙齿外观以及不满意的几个方面的满意度。 2名受过训练的牙医检查员中的1名对混合牙列进行了同时评估。结果:总体而言,31%的父母非常满意,51%的父母对此表示满意,16%的父母对外观表示不满意,3%的父母对外观表示不满意。没有氟中毒的孩子的父母比有氟中毒的孩子的父母(31%)或确定性氟中毒的父母(22%)更容易感到满意(46%)。在401个“非常不满意”的人群中,患有氟中毒的人群中有50%对比没有氟中毒的人群中有40%的人群担心肤色,两组中的60%的人群担心对齐问题,分别有44%和51%的人群担心拥挤,分别有44%和9%的人担心斑点。结论:氟中毒与父母对孩子牙齿整体外观,颜色和斑点的不满情绪增加有关。



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