首页> 外文期刊>Pedosphere: A Quarterly Journal of Soil Science >Free oxide distribution in poorly and well drained soils developed on calcareous alluvial deposits

Free oxide distribution in poorly and well drained soils developed on calcareous alluvial deposits


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A study on the distribution of free iron and manganese oxides was conducted in soils developed on calcareous alluvial deposits under subhumid climatic conditions, in Western Greece. Soil samples from two well drained soils and from two poorly drained soils, classified as Alfisols, were collected and used in this study. After certification of soil homogeneity the acid ammonium oxalate and dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate methods were used to extract free iron and manganese oxides from the samples. Iron oxides extracted by the dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate method (Fe_d) were significantly higher than the iron oxides extracted by the ammonium oxalate method (Fe_o), indicating that a considerable fraction is present in crystalline forms, independent ofdrainage status. A confirmation of free iron oxides and fine clay was detected. The ratios Fe_o/Fe_d and (Fe_d-Fe_o)/total Fe (Fe_t) could not be used to distinguish the well drained soils from the poorly drained soils. Manganese movement in a soluble form is independent of the fine clay.
机译:在希腊西部,在半湿润气候条件下,在钙质冲积沉积物上发育的土壤中进行了游离铁和锰氧化物分布的研究。收集并使用了来自两种排水良好的土壤和两种排水较差的土壤的土壤样品,这些样品被分类为Alfisol。在确认土壤均质性之后,使用草酸酸铵和柠檬酸二亚硫酸酯-碳酸氢盐方法从样品中提取游离的铁和锰的氧化物。用连二亚硫酸氢盐-碳酸氢盐法(Fe_d)提取的氧化铁明显高于用草酸铵法(Fe_o)提取的氧化铁,表明有相当一部分以结晶形式存在,与排水状态无关。检测到游离铁氧化物和细粘土的确认。 Fe_o / Fe_d和(Fe_d-Fe_o)/总Fe(Fe_t)之比不能用来区分排水良好的土壤和排水不良的土壤。可溶形式的锰运动独立于细粘土。



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