首页> 外文期刊>Pedosphere: A Quarterly Journal of Soil Science >Influence of long-term fertilization with different mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure on some soil chemical properties and crop yields

Influence of long-term fertilization with different mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure on some soil chemical properties and crop yields


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A long-term fertilization experiment was carried out in an experimental field in Lyczyn near Warsaw, Poland. Application ofmineral fertilizers, especially N fertilizers with and without farmyard manure accelerated the acidification process of the soil. Application of 1.6 t CaO ha~(-1) every four years was essential to maintenance of the soil pH_(KCl) at 5.5 approx 6.6 and base saturation degree above 60%. Application of 50 t farmyard manure ha~(-1) every 4 years, which contained 46 kg P and 240 kg K, was sufficient to maintain both the K and P fertility of the soil. Besides, it was beneficial to alleviating soil acidification. As a result of long-term unbalanced fertilization, yield responses to N, P and K fertilizers increased significantly with time. The efficiency of N from farmyard manure was found to be comparable to that of N fertilizer during 1988 approx 1991.
机译:在波兰华沙附近的利琴(Lyczyn)的实验田中进行了长期施肥实验。施用矿物肥料,尤其是在有和没有农家肥的情况下施用氮肥,都可以加速土壤的酸化过程。每四年施用1.6 t CaO ha〜(-1)对于维持土壤pH_(KCl)在5.5约6.6和基础饱和度在60%以上是必不可少的。每4年施用50吨农家肥ha〜(-1),其中分别含有46 kg P和240 kg K,足以维持土壤的K和P肥力。此外,它对减轻土壤酸化是有益的。由于长期不平衡施肥,对氮,磷和钾肥料的产量响应随时间显着增加。 1988年至1991年期间,发现农家肥料中的氮效率与氮肥相当。



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