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The Asian land planarian fauna Tricladida: Terricola


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Terrestrial flatworms have been extensively studied in Asia for the past century with 208 spp. being recognized in South East Asia and 32 spp. in the Far East. The dominant family is the Bipaliidae with 136 Bipalium spp. The following genera of the Rhynchodemidae are prominent: Dolichoplana (7 spp.), Platydemus (5 spp.) and Rhynchodemus (18 spp.) (Rhynchodeminae); Othelosoma (7 spp.) and Microplana (7 spp.) (Microplaninae). More restricted rhynchodemid genera are Cotyloplana (6 spp.), Digonopyla (2 spp.) and Pseudartiocotylus (1 sp.). In the Geoplanidae, there are no Asian Geoplaninae; a few genera of Caenoplaninae: Artioposthia (1 sp.), Caenoplana (4 spp.), Kontikia (5 spp.); Pelmatoplaninae (13 spp.) are mainly in the Oriental Region: Beauchampius (9 spp.) and Pelmatoplana (4 spp.). Globally, species inquirendae are common and hamper modern classification.
机译:在过去的一个世纪中,陆地flat虫以208 pppp在亚洲得到了广泛的研究。在东南亚获得认可,速度为32 pppp。在远东。优势家族是具有136 Bipalium spp的双足科。支气管da科的以下属很显着:扁形纲(7 pppp),侧柏(5 pppp)和支气管(18 pppp)(支气管)。 Othelosoma(7 spp。)和Microplana(7 spp。)(Microplaninae)。受限制的Rhynchodemid属为Cotyloplana(6 spp。),Digonopyla(2 spp。)和Pseudartiocotylylus(1 sp。)。在Geoplanidae中,没有亚洲Geoplaninae。鳞翅目属的一些属:节肢动物(1 sp。),鳞翅目(4 spp。),Kontikia(5 spp。); Pelmatoplaninae(13 pppp)主要分布在东方地区:Beauchampius(9 pppp)和Pelmatoplana(4 pppp)。在全球范围内,物种调查科很普遍,妨碍了现代分类。



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