
Short-term psychiatric adjustment of children and their parents following meningococcal disease.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess short-term changes in child and parent psychiatric status following meningococcal disease. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study; 3-month follow-up using parent, teacher, and child questionnaires. SETTING: Hospital admissions to three pediatric intensive care units and 19 general pediatric wards. PATIENTS: Sixty children aged 3-6 yrs, 60 mothers, and 45 fathers. INTERVENTIONS: We administered measures of illness severity (Glasgow Meningococcal Septicaemia Prognostic Score, days in hospital) and psychiatric morbidity (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires, parent and teacher versions; Impact of Event scales; General Health Questionnaire-28). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In children admitted to pediatric intensive care units, parental reports at 3-month follow-up showed a significant increase in emotional and hyperactivity symptoms and in related impairment; symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder were present in four of 26 (15%) children >8 yrs old. Regarding the parents, 26 of 60 (43%) mothers in the total sample had questionnaire scores indicative of high risk for psychiatric disorder and 22 of 58 (48%) for posttraumatic stress disorder. In fathers there was high risk for psychiatric disorder in 11 of 45 (24%) and for posttraumatic stress disorder in 8 of 43 (19%). Severity of the child's physical condition on admission was significantly associated with hyperactivity and conduct symptoms at follow-up. Length of hospital admission was associated with psychiatric symptoms in the child and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in parents. There were also significant associations between psychiatric symptoms in children and parents. CONCLUSIONS: Admission of children to pediatric intensive care units for meningococcal disease is associated with an increase in and high levels of psychiatric and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in children and parents. Length of admission is associated with psychiatric symptoms in children and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in parents. Pediatric follow-up should explore psychiatric as well as physical sequelae in children and parents.
机译:目的:评估脑膜炎球菌病后儿童和父母精神状态的短期变化。设计:前瞻性队列研究;使用父母,老师和孩子的问卷调查进行3个月的跟踪。地点:3个儿科重症监护病房和19个普通儿科病房的医院收治。患者:60名3-6岁的儿童,60名母亲和45名父亲。干预措施:我们对疾病的严重程度(格拉斯哥脑膜炎球菌败血症的预后评分,住院天数)和精神病的发病率(强度和困难问卷,父母和老师版本;事件量表的影响;一般健康问卷-28)进行了测量。测量和主要结果:在儿童重症监护病房收治的儿童中,父母在3个月的随访报告中显示,情绪和活动过度症状以及相关障碍显着增加。 26岁以上(8%)的儿童中有四个(15%)存在创伤后应激障碍的症状。关于父母,在全部样本中,有60名母亲中有26名(43%)母亲的问卷得分表明有精神病的高风险,而创伤后应激障碍有58名母亲中的22名(48%)。在父亲中,有精神疾病的高风险有45人中有11人(24%),有创伤后应激障碍的高风险中有43人中的18人(19%)。入院时儿童身体状况的严重程度与多动症和随访时的症状显着相关。住院时间的长短与孩子的精神症状和父母的创伤后应激障碍症状有关。儿童和父母的精神症状之间也存在显着关联。结论:儿童因脑膜炎球菌病而进入儿童重症监护病房与儿童和父母的精神病和创伤后应激障碍症状的增加和高水平相关。入院时间长短与儿童的精神病症状和父母的创伤后应激障碍症状有关。儿科随访应探讨儿童和父母的精神和身体后遗症。



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