首页> 外文期刊>Pedobiologia >Growth rates of Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaetae : Lumbricidae) as influenced by soil temperature and moisture in disturbed and undisturbed soil columns

Growth rates of Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaetae : Lumbricidae) as influenced by soil temperature and moisture in disturbed and undisturbed soil columns

机译:受扰动和未扰动土壤柱中土壤温度和湿度影响的加倍孢菌(Aporrectodea caliginosa)(Oligochaetae:Lumbricidae)的生长速率

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Earthworm growth is affected by fluctuations in soil temperature and moisture and hence, may be used as an indicator of earthworm activity under field conditions. There is no standard methodology for measuring earthworm growth and results obtained in the laboratory with a variety of food sources, soil quantities and container shapes cannot easily be compared or used to estimate earthworm growth in the field. The objective of this experiment was to determine growth rates of the endogeic earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) over a range of temperatures (5-20 degrees C) and soil. water potentials (-5 to -54 kPa) in disturbed and undisturbed soil columns in the laboratory. We used PVC cores (6cm diameter, 15cm height) containing undisturbed and disturbed soil, and 1l cylindrical pots (11 cm diameter, 14 cm height) with disturbed soil. All containers contained about 500 g of moist soil. The growth rates of juvenile A. caliginoso were determined after 14-28 days. The instantaneous growth rate (IGR) was affected significantly by soil moisture, temperature, and the temperature x moisture interaction, ranging from -0.092 to 0.037 d(-1). Optimum growth conditions for A. coliginosa were at 20 degrees C and -5 kPa water potential, and they lost weight when the soil water potential. was -54 kPa for all temperatures and also when the temperature was 5 degrees C for all water potentials. Growth rates were significantly greater in pots than in cores, but the growth rates of earthworms in cores with undisturbed or disturbed soil did not differ significantly. The feeding and burrowing habits of earthworms should be considered when choosing the container for growth experiments in order to improve our ability to extrapolate earthworm growth rates from the laboratory to the field. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
机译:growth的生长受土壤温度和湿度波动的影响,因此可以用作田间条件下activity活动的指标。没有测量standard生长的标准方法,并且在实验室中通过多种食物来源获得的结果,土壤数量和容器形状无法轻松比较或用于估算田间growth的生长。该实验的目的是确定内ge在一定温度(5-20​​摄氏度)和土壤中的生长速度(Savigny)。实验室中受干扰和未受干扰的土壤柱中的水势(-5至-54 kPa)。我们使用的PVC芯(直径6厘米,高15厘米)包含未扰动和受干扰的土壤,以及1升圆柱形锅(直径11厘米,高14厘米),带有受干扰的土壤。所有容器中都装有约500克潮湿的土壤。在14-28天后确定幼年拟南芥的生长速率。瞬时生长速率(IGR)受土壤水分,温度以及温度x水分相互作用的显着影响,范围为-0.092至0.037 d(-1)。大肠杆菌的最佳生长条件是在20摄氏度和-5 kPa水势下,当土壤水势下降时它们会失重。在所有温度下以及所有水势的温度为5摄氏度时均为-54 kPa。盆中的增长率明显高于核心,但soil在土壤未受干扰或扰动的情况下的增长率没有显着差异。选择growth进行生长实验的容器时,应考虑earth的取食和穴居习惯,以提高我们从实验室向野外推断earth生长速率的能力。 (c)2005 Elsevier GmbH。版权所有。



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