首页> 外文期刊>Pedobiologia >Effect of Galex on the Collembola fauna of cowpea plots in Nigeria.

Effect of Galex on the Collembola fauna of cowpea plots in Nigeria.


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In field trials conducted at the Obafemi Awolowo campus in Nigeria, the collembolan fauna of cowpea plots where the herbicide Galex (metobromuron + metolachlor) was used to control weeds was compared with the fauna of weedy plots and plots where weeds were hand-pulled and hoed. The treatments were replicated three times and randomized within each of three blocks. Rainfall and humidity conditions were recorded during the experiment. The recovery of species from the genera Cryptopygus, Dicranocentrusand Rhodanella from the deleterious effects of precultivation clearing, ploughing and harrowing of soil did not occur in the Galex plots during the vegetative growth of cowpeas. The activities of litter Collembola that survived the pre-cultivation activities were further reduced in the Galex and hoe-weeded plots in the pod-ripening phase of cowpea development. Hand-pulling of weeds and the cover provided by weeds in the weedy control were more conducive to Collembola activity than hoe-weeding and the pre-emergence application of Galex.
机译:在尼日利亚Obafemi Awolowo校区进行的田间试验中,比较了使用除草剂Galex(间溴单抗+甲草胺)控制杂草的pea豆田的collembolan动物区系与杂草田地和手工拔除杂草田地的动物群。 。将处理重复三遍,并在三个区块的每一个中随机分配。实验期间记录了降雨和湿度条件。在of豆营养生长期间,Galex地块中未发生耕前清理,耕作和耙松的有害作用,从而从隐py属,盘龙属和罗氏菌属中恢复了物种。在cow豆发育的荚果成熟期的Galex和杂地中,存活下来的凋落的Collembola的活动进一步减少。与除草和Galex的出苗前施用相比,手工除草和杂草控制中杂草提供的覆盖物更有利于Collembola的活动。



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