首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Texting while driving and other risky motor vehicle behaviors among US high school students

Texting while driving and other risky motor vehicle behaviors among US high school students


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of texting/e-mailing while driving (TWD) and association of TWD with other risky motor vehicle (MV) behaviors among US high school students. METHODS: Data were used from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2011 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey, which assessed TWD during the 30 days before the survey among 8505 students aged ≥16 years from a nationally representative sample of US high school students. TWD frequency was coded into dichotomous and polychotomous variables. Logistic regression assessed the relationship between TWD and other risky driving behaviors, controlling for age, race/ethnicity, and sex. RESULTS: The prevalence of TWD on ≥1 days during the 30 days before the survey was 44.5% (95% confidence interval: 40.8%-48.2%). Students who engaged in TWD were more likely than their non-TWD counterparts to not always wear their seatbelt (prevalence ratio; 95% confidence interval: 1.16; 1.07-1.26), ride with a driver who had been drinking alcohol (1.74; 1.57-1.93), and drink alcohol and drive (5.33; 4.32-6.59). These other risky MV behaviors were most likely to occur among students who frequently engaged in TWD. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of US high school students aged ≥16 years report TWD during the past 30 days; these students are more likely to engage in additional risky MV behaviors. This suggests there is a subgroup of students who may place themselves, their passengers, and others on the road at elevated risk for a crash-related injury or fatality by engaging in multiple risky MV behaviors.
机译:目的:评估美国高中学生在开车时发短信/电子邮件(TWD)的患病率以及TWD与其他危险的机动车(MV)行为的关联。方法:数据来自疾病预防控制中心2011年的全国青少年风险行为调查,该调查在调查前的30天中对来自美国高中生的全国代表性样本中的8505名≥16岁的学生进行了TWD评估。将TWD频率编码为二分和多分变量。 Logistic回归评估了TWD与其他危险驾驶行为之间的关系,并控制了年龄,种族/民族和性别。结果:在调查前30天内,≥1天的TWD患病率为44.5%(95%的置信区间:40.8%-48.2%)。与非TWD学生相比,从事TWD的学生更有可能不总是系好安全带(患病率; 95%置信区间:1.16; 1.07-1.26),与曾饮酒的驾驶员一起骑车(1.74; 1.57- 1.93),并喝酒并开车(5.33; 4.32-6.59)。这些其他危险的MV行为最可能发生在经常参加TWD的学生中。结论:在过去的30天内,近一半的美国16岁以上的高中生报告了TWD。这些学生更有可能从事其他危险的MV行为。这表明有一小组学生可能会通过参与多种危险的MV行为而使自己,乘客和其他人在道路上遭受与撞车相关的伤害或死亡的风险较高。



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