首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Referrals and shared or collaborative care: managing relationships with complementary and alternative medicine practitioners.

Referrals and shared or collaborative care: managing relationships with complementary and alternative medicine practitioners.


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In this article we discuss steps that clinicians should take after deciding to include a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment that is beyond the clinician's expertise in a patient's treatment plan. We use the example of an adolescent patient with chronic recurrent headaches that have not been relieved by medication or other therapies and whose physician refers her to an acupuncturist for treatment. We focus on (1) circumstances under which referral is appropriate, (2) the nature of the relationship between the referring clinician and the practitioner to whom the referral is made (considering conventional health care and CAM, regulated and unregulated practitioners), and (3) considerations when undertaking shared or collaborative care with other health care practitioners (conventional health care or CAM). We also suggest best practices in managing such relationships.
机译:在本文中,我们讨论了临床医生决定在患者的治疗计划中包括超出临床医生专业知识的补充和替代药物(CAM)治疗之后应采取的步骤。我们以一名患有慢性复发性头痛的青春期患者为例,该疾患尚未通过药物或其他疗法缓解,并且其内科医生将她转介给针灸师进行治疗。我们着眼于(1)在什么情况下适合转诊,(2)转诊临床医生与转诊医生之间的关系性质(考虑常规医疗保健和CAM,受监管和不受监管的医生),和( 3)与其他医疗保健从业者(常规医疗保健或CAM)进行共享或合作医疗时的注意事项。我们还建议管理此类关系的最佳做法。



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