首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives in Biology and Medicine >Sunlight at Southall Green. Dr. Ingen Housz discovers photosynthesis.

Sunlight at Southall Green. Dr. Ingen Housz discovers photosynthesis.

机译:索萨尔格林的阳光。 Ingenhousz博士发现了光合作用。

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In the following fictitious conversation, Dr. Jan Ingen Housz (1730-1799), the Dutch physician and natural philosopher, describes to William Temple Franklin (1760-1823), the grandson of Benjamin Franklin, how in 1779 he discovered the paramount role of sunlight in what we now call photosynthesis (Wiesner 1905; Van der Pas 1981; Reed 1949; Beale and Beale 1999). The two men, together with the English law reformer Samuel Romilly, were dinner guests of the First Marquis of Lansdowne at Lansdowne House on Wednesday 2 February 1791 (Bowood House Archives 1791). As far as possible we use their own recorded words and phrases, employing surviving manuscripts as a lexicon. Additional biographical and geographical details are provided in an Appendix, and all sources are listed in the References.
机译:在下面的虚拟对话中,荷兰医师,自然哲学家Jan Ingen Housz博士(1730-1799)向本杰明·富兰克林的孙子William Temple Franklin(1760-1823)介绍了本杰明·富兰克林的孙子在1779年如何发现我们现在称之为光合作用的阳光(Wiesner 1905; Van der Pas 1981; Reed 1949; Beale and Beale 1999)。这两个人与英国法律改革者塞缪尔·罗米利(Samuel Romilly)一起于1791年2月2日星期三在兰斯当大厦(Lansdowne House)宴请了兰斯当第一侯爵(Bowood House Archives 1791)。我们尽可能地使用他们自己录制的单词和短语,以尚存的手稿为词典。附录中提供了其他传记和地理详细信息,参考文献中列出了所有来源。



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