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Lung function decline from adolescence to young adulthood in cystic fibrosis


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Background Despite improving survival in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, there is a mortality peak in early adulthood. Defining risk factors that predict significant worsening of lung disease in young adulthood may identify opportunities to improve outcomes in adults. Methods We identified 4,680 patients in the Epidemiologic Study of Cystic Fibrosis 1994-2005 with data in both adolescence (age 14.0-17.4 years) and young adulthood (age 18.5-22.0 years) and analyzed 2,267 who had ≤yen;5 encounters and ≤yen;5 measurements of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1) spanning ≤yen;1 year during both adolescence and young adulthood, and ≤yen;1 encounter with weight and height and ≤yen;1 FEV 1 measurement age 17.5-18.5 years. We compared the annualized rates of decline in FEV 1 during adolescence and young adulthood stratified by best FEV 1 around age 18. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors associated with substantial decline (20 points) in FEV 1% predicted in young adulthood. Results Annual rate of decline was greater in young adulthood than in adolescence. Risk factors for substantial decline included slower rate of FEV 1 decline, greater FEV 1 variability, faster body mass index (BMI) decline, male sex, chronic inhaled antibiotics, Haemophilus influenzae detection, and absence of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in adolescence, and lower than expected FEV 1 and BMI around age 18. Conclusions Decline in lung function accelerates in young adults with CF, especially in those with early stage lung disease. Adolescents at risk for substantial decline in lung function in young adulthood have higher FEV 1 and worse nutritional status, among other identifiable risk factors.
机译:背景尽管囊性纤维化(CF)患者的生存期得到了改善,但成年早期的死亡率达到峰值。定义预测成年后肺部疾病严重恶化的危险因素,可能会发现改善成年后结局的机会。方法在1994-2005年囊性纤维化流行病学研究中,我们确定了4,680例患者,其中包括青春期(14.0-17.4岁)和成年青年(18.5-22.0岁)的数据,并分析了2,267例≤日元; 5次接触和≤日元; 5次1秒钟(FEV 1)内的≤日元的强制呼气量的测量;在青春期和成年后的1年内,≤日元; 1体重,身高和≤日元的遭遇; 1 FEV 1的测量年龄17.5-18.5岁。我们比较了在青春期和成年后18岁左右最佳FEV 1分层的FEV 1的年度下降率。采用逻辑回归分析确定了与年轻成年期预测的FEV 1%的大幅下降(> 20分)相关的危险因素。结果:成年后的年下降率大于青春期。大幅下降的危险因素包括FEV 1下降速度减慢,FEV 1变异性更大,体重指数(BMI)下降更快,男性,慢性吸入抗生素,流感嗜血杆菌的检测以及青春期缺乏多药耐药的铜绿假单胞菌和低于预期的FEV 1和18岁左右的BMI。结论在CF青年中,尤其是在早期肺病患者中,肺功能的下降加速。在其他可识别的危险因素中,处于青少年成年期肺功能显着下降风险的青少年FEV 1较高,营养状况较差。



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