首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Pulmonology >Differential inhibitory effect of regular inhaled corticosteroid on airway responsiveness to adenosine 5' monophosphate, methacholine, and bradykinin in symptomatic children with recurrent wheeze.

Differential inhibitory effect of regular inhaled corticosteroid on airway responsiveness to adenosine 5' monophosphate, methacholine, and bradykinin in symptomatic children with recurrent wheeze.


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Indirect tests of bronchial responsiveness to agents such as adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) or bradykinin might be more specific markers of a therapeutic responses to anti-inflammatory treatment than a test of direct responsiveness to agents such as methacholine. In children selected from the community on the basis of mildly symptomatic wheeze, we compared in a randomized, double-blind study design the effect of 400 micrograms/day of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) or placebo on three separate ways of provoking bronchial responsiveness, using methacholine, bradykinin, and AMP as the provoking agents. Following pretreatment bronchial challenges, 29 children received paired monthly methacholine and AMP challenges for 3 months, while for the same period another 33 children received paired monthly methacholine and bradykinin challenges. Compared with placebo-treated subjects, FEV1 increased significantly in the children receiving BDP. This improvement was observed in those randomized to either the AMP challenge or the bradykinin challenge. In children challenged with AMP, the PD20 AMP increased significantly after 1 month and 2 months of BDP therapy when compared with placebo, while under similar conditions the PD20 methacholine was not significantly affected. In children challenged with bradykinin, BDP therapy did not significantly alter either the PD20 bradykinin or PD20 methacholine. We conclude that a bronchial challenge with AMP appears to be a more sensitive predictor of response to anti-inflammatory treatment than either methacholine or bradykinin.
机译:间接测试支气管对药物(如腺苷5'-单磷酸酯(AMP)或缓激肽)的反应性可能比对乙酰甲胆碱等药物的直接反应性测试更具体地表示对抗炎治疗的治疗反应。在根据轻度症状性喘息而从社区中选出的儿童中,我们在一项随机,双盲研究设计中比较了400微克/天的倍氯米松二丙酸酯(BDP)或安慰剂对激发支气管反应性的三种单独方法的影响,方法是乙酰甲胆碱,缓激肽和AMP作为刺激性药物。预处理支气管挑战后,有29名儿童接受了配对的每月乙酰甲胆碱和AMP挑战,持续了3个月,而同期有33名儿童接受了配对的每月乙酰甲胆碱和缓激肽挑战。与接受安慰剂治疗的受试者相比,接受BDP的儿童中FEV1显着增加。在随机接受AMP挑战或缓激肽挑战的人群中观察到了这种改善。在接受AMP攻击的儿童中,与安慰剂相比,BDP治疗1个月和2个月后,PD20 AMP显着增加,而在类似条件下,PD20乙酰甲胆碱不受显着影响。在接受缓激肽攻击的儿童中,BDP治疗并未显着改变PD20缓激肽或PD20乙酰甲胆碱。我们得出结论,与乙酰甲胆碱或缓激肽相比,用AMP支气管激发似乎是对抗炎治疗反应更敏感的预测指标。



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