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The increased cost of complications in children with status asthmaticus.


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Status asthmaticus is one of the most common causes of admission to a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). There is little published data, however, examining the complications associated with the treatment of status asthmaticus in children in the PICU. Our hypothesis was that children experiencing a complication would have an increased duration of hospitalization for status asthmaticus. We performed a retrospective review of the complication profile and hospital course of all children admitted to a PICU with status asthmaticus over a 9 years period. Twenty-two (8%) of the 293 children admitted to the ICU with status asthmaticus experienced one or more complications during their treatment. The most common complications were aspiration pneumonia, ventilator-associated pneumonia, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, and rhabdomyolysis. Intubated children were significantly more likely than non-intubated children to experience a complication (RR 15.3; 95% CI 6.7-35). Fifteen (42%) of the 36 intubated childrenexperienced a complication. Intubated children experiencing a complication had significantly longer duration of mechanical ventilation (163 +/- 169 hr vs. 66 +/- 65 hr, P = 0.03), ICU length of stay (237 +/- 180 hr vs. 124 +/- 86 hr, P = 0.02) and hospital charges (US dollars 117,184 +/- 111,191 vs. US dollars 38,788 +/- 27,784; P = 0.001) than intubated children not experiencing a complication. In this review, complications were associated with increased morbidity and duration of hospitalization in children with status asthmaticus, particularly in those intubated as part of their therapy. This suggests that intubation and mechanical ventilation itself may increase the risk of developing a complication in this population.
机译:哮喘状态是进入小儿重症监护病房(PICU)的最常见原因之一。然而,很少有公开的数据检查PICU儿童与状态性哮喘的治疗相关的并发症。我们的假设是,患有并发症的儿童因哮喘而住院的时间会增加。我们对9年来所有患有哮喘病的PICU入院儿童的并发症和住院过程进行了回顾性研究。在ICU收治的患有哮喘病的293名儿童中,有二十二名(8%)在治疗期间经历了一种或多种并发症。最常见的并发症是吸入性肺炎,呼吸机相关性肺炎,纵隔气肿,气胸和横纹肌溶解。插管儿童比非插管儿童更有可能出现并发症(RR 15.3; 95%CI 6.7-35)。 36名插管儿童中有15名(42%)发生了并发症。插管儿童发生并发症的机械通气时间明显更长(163 +/- 169小时vs. 66 +/- 65 hr,P = 0.03),ICU住院时间(237 +/- 180 hr vs. 124 +/-) 86小时,P = 0.02)和没有并发症的插管儿童住院费用(117,184 +/- 111,191美元对38,788 +/- 27,784美元; P = 0.001)。在这篇综述中,并发症与哮喘病患儿的发病率增加和住院时间增加有关,特别是作为治疗的一部分进行插管的患儿。这表明插管和机械通气本身可能会增加该人群发生并发症的风险。



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