首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric nephrology: journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association >Duration of oliguria and anuria as predictors of chronic renal-related sequelae in post-diarrheal hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Duration of oliguria and anuria as predictors of chronic renal-related sequelae in post-diarrheal hemolytic uremic syndrome.


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Prior long-term retrospective studies have described renal sequelae in 25-50% of postdiarrheal hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) survivors, but the ability to predict the likelihood of chronic renal-related sequelae at the time of hospital discharge is limited. We surveyed 357 children in our HUS registry who survived an acute episode of post diarrheal HUS (D+HUS) and were without end-stage renal disease (ESRD) at the time of hospital discharge. Of the 357 patients surveyed, 159 had at least 1 year (mean 8.75 years) of follow-up. Of these, 90 individuals were identified as having had at least 1 day of oliguria, with 69 individuals having had at least 1 day of anuria. The incidences of renal-related sequelae [proteinuria, low glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and hypertension] were determined among experimental groups based on oliguria and anuria duration. One or more sequelae (e.g. proteinuria, low GFR, hypertension) was seen in 25 (36.2%) of those who had no recorded oliguria and 34 (37.8%) of those with no recorded anuria. The prevalence of chronic sequelae increased markedly in those with more than 5 days of anuria or 10 days of oliguria, with anuria being a better predictor than oliguria of most related sequelae. A particularly high incidence of hypertension was seen in patients with > 10 days of anuria (55.6%) in comparison with those with no anuria (8.9%) [odds ratio (OR) 12.8; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.9-57.5]. Patients with > 10 days of anuria were also at substantially increased risk for low GFR and proteinuria (OR 35.2; 95% CI 5.1-240.5). These findings may help identify children who need periodic and extended follow-up after hospital discharge.
机译:先前的长期回顾性研究已经描述了腹泻后溶血性尿毒症综合征(HUS)幸存者中有25-50%的肾脏后遗症,但预测出院时发生慢性肾脏相关后遗症的可能性有限。我们调查了HUS注册表中的357名儿童,这些儿童在腹泻后HUS(D + HUS)急性发作后存活,并且在出院时没有终末期肾病(ESRD)。在接受调查的357位患者中,有159位至少随访了1年(平均8.75年)。其中,有90名个体至少有1天少尿,其中69名个体至少有1天无尿。根据少尿和无尿持续时间确定实验组中肾脏相关后遗症的发生率[蛋白尿,肾小球滤过率低(GFR)和高血压]。在未记录为少尿的患者中有25个(36.2%)和未记录为无尿的患者中发现了一个或多个后遗症(例如蛋白尿,低GFR,高血压)。尿频超过5天或少尿10天的患者,慢性后遗症的患病率明显增加,与大多数相关后遗症的少尿相比,无尿是更好的预测指标。患有无尿症> 10天的患者(55.6%)与无尿症的患者(8.9%)的高血压发生率特别高[比值比(OR)12.8; 95%置信区间(CI)2.9-57.5]。无尿日数> 10天的患者发生低GFR和蛋白尿的风险也显着增加(OR 35.2; 95%CI 5.1-240.5)。这些发现可能有助于确定出院后需要定期和长期随访的儿童。



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