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Two enigmatic bryozoans from the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic


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Two rare, poorly known bryozoan genera from the Middle Ordovician (Volkhovian-Lasnamagian) of the St Petersburg Region, north-west Russia, are revised and redescribed based on new finds. Hexaporites fungiformis Eichwald, 1860 is redefined as the type species of the genus, which is shown to be one of the earliest representatives of the suborder Halloporina. The bryozoan nature of the specimen described and illustrated by Eichwald as Nebulipora ovulum is confirmed after re-study of a single preserved specimen. However, the original concept of this binomen was more likely to have been based on a Silurian heliolitide coral. Therefore, the name Eichwaldipora ovulum gen. et sp. nov. is introduced.
机译:根据新发现,对来自俄罗斯西北圣彼得堡地区中奥陶纪(Volkhovian-Lasnamagian)的两个罕见,鲜为人知的苔藓虫属进行了修订和重新描述。 Hexaporites fungiformis Eichwald,1860年被重新定义为该属的类型物种,被证明是该亚目Halloporina的最早代表之一。在对单个保存的标本进行重新研究后,证实了艾希瓦尔所描述和说明的标本为卵形Nebulipora的标本的苔藓虫属。但是,这种双生动物的原始概念很可能是基于志留纪日光珊瑚的珊瑚。因此,命名为Eichwaldipora ovulum gen。等。十一月介绍。



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